庄妍, 陈正洪, 钟水新, 何飞, 许杨. 2023: 基于CLDAS资料的恩施山区成雾潜势指标特征及成因简析. 暴雨灾害, 42(4): 479-487. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-159
引用本文: 庄妍, 陈正洪, 钟水新, 何飞, 许杨. 2023: 基于CLDAS资料的恩施山区成雾潜势指标特征及成因简析. 暴雨灾害, 42(4): 479-487. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-159
ZHUANG Yan, CHEN Zhenghong, ZHONG Shuixin, HE Fei, XU Yang. 2023: Characteristics and simple analysis of fogging potential in the Mountain area of Enshi based on CLDAS data. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 42(4): 479-487. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-159
Citation: ZHUANG Yan, CHEN Zhenghong, ZHONG Shuixin, HE Fei, XU Yang. 2023: Characteristics and simple analysis of fogging potential in the Mountain area of Enshi based on CLDAS data. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 42(4): 479-487. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-159


Characteristics and simple analysis of fogging potential in the Mountain area of Enshi based on CLDAS data

  • 摘要: 恩施地区地形复杂,是湖北省的多雾区,其雾的空间分布差异大,但该地区气象站点稀疏,难以揭示其时空分布特征。通过分析亚洲区域中国气象局陆面数据同化系统(China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System,CLDAS)陆面同化资料以及恩施站温度露点差(T-Td)及相对湿度(RH)数据,揭示了恩施山区主要的成雾潜势指标时空分布特征。结果表明:(1) RH在90%以上,T-Td≤2.0℃有利于恩施山区雾的形成;(2)基于CLDAS资料得到的成雾潜势指标与基于恩施站及其周边的3个气象站观测得到的指标的日变化趋势均较一致且相关性较好,利用CLDAS资料描述恩施地区成雾潜势的精细化特征是可行的;(3)恩施地区RH存在显著的时空差异,空间上表现为南高北低,随海拔高度变化复杂,时间上表现为低山区昼夜变化大、中高山区昼夜变化小、夜间增湿明显;(4)基于T-Td的成雾潜势指标的频率空间分布及昼夜差与RH变化规律基本一致,其中最高频率出现在中南部的中山区(800~1 200 m),最低频率在北部地区的三峡干热河谷即巫山山脉的背风坡,一年之中冬季出现频率最高。


    Abstract: Enshi is a foggy area in Hubei Province with complex terrain and large spatial difference in fog. However, the meteorological stations in this area are sparse, making it difficult to study the spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of fog. This paper uses the land surface data from CLDAS (China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System) and the Enshi station to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of fogging potential index in the Enshi area. The results are show below. (1) According to the hourly data of Enshi station in the past 30 years, a high relative humidity over 90% and a small difference (≤2.0 ℃) between actual temperature and dew point temperature (T-Td) are favorable for fogging. (2) The diurnal variation of fogging potential index based on the CLDAS data and the observations in the Enshi area are consistent and correlated. Therefore, the CLDAS data can be used to study the characteristics of fogging potential in the Enshi area. (3) There is significant spatio-temporal variation of relative humidity in the Enshi region. The relative humidity in the south region is higher than that in the north, and also varies with the altitude. In terms of time, it increases at night. The relative humidity varies greatly from day to night in the low mountains area, but varies little in the middle mountains area. (4) The spatial distribution and diurnal variation of fogging potential index are basically consistent with that of relative humidity. The highest frequency is found in the southern and central Enshi area between 800 m and 1200 m, and the lowest frequency is found in the northern Three Gorges dry and hot valley, namely the lee side of Wushan Mountains. In addition, the highest frequency occurs in winter.


