荀爱萍, 赵玉春, 李菲, 张妤晴, 张晗昀. 2023: X波段双偏振相控阵雷达定量降水估测研究. 暴雨灾害, 42(4): 437-445. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-043
引用本文: 荀爱萍, 赵玉春, 李菲, 张妤晴, 张晗昀. 2023: X波段双偏振相控阵雷达定量降水估测研究. 暴雨灾害, 42(4): 437-445. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-043
XUN Aiping, ZHAO Yuchun, LI Fei, ZHANG Yuqing, ZHANG Hanyun. 2023: Analysis of radar quantitative precipitation estimation using X-band polarimetric radar. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 42(4): 437-445. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-043
Citation: XUN Aiping, ZHAO Yuchun, LI Fei, ZHANG Yuqing, ZHANG Hanyun. 2023: Analysis of radar quantitative precipitation estimation using X-band polarimetric radar. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 42(4): 437-445. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-043


Analysis of radar quantitative precipitation estimation using X-band polarimetric radar

  • 摘要: 双偏振雷达的一个重要应用是进行定量降水估测(QPE),常用的双偏振雷达降水估测方法主要有基于反射率(ZH)的R(ZH)关系、基于ZH和差分反射率(ZDR)的R(ZH, ZDR)关系、基于差分传播相移率(Kdp)的R(Kdp)关系、基于KdpZDRR(Kdp, ZDR)关系四种。本文利用厦门X波段相控阵雷达组网试验的36个降水时段的小时降水资料,采用最优化处理法,对S波段双偏振雷达适用的四种降水估测方法分别进行优化,使其适用于X波段相控阵雷达,并将优化后估测方法的测雨效果与X波段雷达自带的定量降水估测产品(X-QPE)进行对比评估,结果表明:(1) 使用偏振参量Kdp的降水估测关系能够改善雷达的降水估测效果,R(Kdp)、R(Kdp, ZDR)的测雨效果相对于R(ZH)、R(ZH, ZDR)有明显提升。其中R(Kdp, ZDR)在降水估测的误差以及稳定性方面表现最优,其效果优于X-QPE。(2) R(Kdp, ZDR)对于稳定性以及混合性降水的估测效果略差于X-QPE,对于大雨量级的降水效果略差于R(ZH),但对于暴雨量级的降水、对流性质的降水以及深对流降水,R(Kdp, ZDR)测雨效果的提升非常显著。


    Abstract: Quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is one of the important applications of dual-polarization radar. Four commonly used QPE methods include R(ZH) based on reflectivity (ZH), R(ZH, ZDR) based on ZH and differential reflectivity (ZDR), R(Kdp) based on specific differential phase (Kdp), and R(Kdp, ZDR) based on Kdp and ZDR. With the 36-hour observation of precipitation processes during the X-band polarimetric radar networking test, the four QPE methods used by the S-band polarimetric radar are optimized to make it applicable to the X-band polarimetric radar with optimization algorithms. The performance of rainfall estimation by the optimized methods is evaluated compared to the X-band radar quantitative precipitation estimation products (X-QPE). The results show that: (1) The QPE methods with polarization parameter Kdp can improve the precipitation estimation of the X-band radar. Compared with R(ZH) and R(ZH, ZDR), the precipitation estimation of R(Kdp) and R(Kdp, ZDR) is significantly improved. Among the four methods and X-QPE, R(Kdp, ZDR) performs best in both accuracy and stability. (2) For the estimation by R(Kdp, ZDR), the results on stable and mixed precipitation is slightly worse than that of X-QPE, and the results on heavy rain are slightly worse than that of R(ZH). However, for rainstorms, convective precipitation, and deep convection precipitation, the performance of R(Kdp, ZDR) on precipitation estimation is significantly improved.


