邓朝平, 唐明晖, 苏涛, 罗源, 吴亚昊, 汤宇. 2024: 湖南衡阳“4.04”强下击暴流预警关键点及环境条件分析. 暴雨灾害, 43(2): 158-167. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-137
引用本文: 邓朝平, 唐明晖, 苏涛, 罗源, 吴亚昊, 汤宇. 2024: 湖南衡阳“4.04”强下击暴流预警关键点及环境条件分析. 暴雨灾害, 43(2): 158-167. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-137
DENG Chaoping, TANG Minghui, SU Tao, LUO Yuan, WU Yahao, TANG Yu. 2024: Analysis of key warning points and environmental conditions for the '4.04'strong downburst event in Hengyang of Hunan. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 43(2): 158-167. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-137
Citation: DENG Chaoping, TANG Minghui, SU Tao, LUO Yuan, WU Yahao, TANG Yu. 2024: Analysis of key warning points and environmental conditions for the '4.04'strong downburst event in Hengyang of Hunan. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 43(2): 158-167. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-137


Analysis of key warning points and environmental conditions for the '4.04'strong downburst event in Hengyang of Hunan

  • 摘要: 2023年4月4日下午湖南衡阳出现一次强下击暴流过程(简称“4.04”强下击暴流),造成严重灾害。利用常规气象观测、多普勒天气雷达、NCEP 1°×1°再分析等资料对该过程极端大风的预警关键点与环境条件进行分析。结果表明:(1)“4.04”强下击暴流发生在“斜压锋生类”天气系统配置下,地面冷锋提供了触发条件。探空曲线上干下湿特征明显、大气对流参数及订正后的对流有效位能表现出明显的不稳定特征,垂直风切变强,利于极端大风发生。(2) 中尺度对流系统(MCSs)弓状回波扫过衡阳,造成区域性下击暴流;极端大风发生在对应风暴单体快速移动时,最大反射率因子达60 dBz,垂直积分液态水含量及质心高度快速下降;反射率因子具有明显倾斜结构,弓状回波、后侧入流急流、径向速度模糊特征明显;低仰角“非对称速度大值区”和“速度对纯辐散”是极端大风预警关键点。(3) 强下击暴流对流潜势明显,低层水汽通量辐合强、比湿大;具备一定的热力不稳定及垂直上升运动条件,且有低层辐合、高层辐散与之配合;冷空气对本次过程发生发展起到了重要作用。


    Abstract: On the afternoon of 4 April, 2023, an intense downburst event (referred to as the '4.04' strong downburst) occurred in Hengyang, Hunan, causing serious disasters. This study analyzes the key warning indicators and environmental conditions for extreme strong winds using conventional meteorological observations, Doppler weather radar, and NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data. The results are as follows: (1) The '4.04' strong downburst occurred under a 'baroclinic frontogenesis' weather system configuration, with a surface cold front providing the triggering conditions. The Skew-T plots clearly showed characteristics of high-level dryness and low-level moisture, unstable atmospheric convective parameters, and corrected convective available potential energy (CAPE), along with strong vertical wind shear, all conducive to the occurrence of extreme strong winds. (2) A mesoscale convective system (MCS) with bow echoes swept through Hengyang, causing regional downbursts. Extreme strong winds occurred when the corresponding storm cells moved rapidly, with maximum reflectivity factors reaching 60 dBz. The vertical integrated liquid water content and centroid height rapidly decreased. The reflectivity factors displayed a noticeable tilted structure, with clear features of bow echoes, rear-inflow jets, and radial velocity ambiguity. The low elevation asymmetric high-speed regions and velocity convergence are key warning indicators for extreme strong winds. (3) The strong downburst exhibited significant convective potential, with strong low-level moisture flux convergence and high specific humidity. There were conditions of thermal instability and vertical upward motion, along with low-level convergence and upper-level divergence. Cold air played an important role in the occurrence and development of this downburst event.


