Analysis of cloud macro-physical characteristics in Xiangyang of Hubei Province based on ceilometer data
利用湖北省襄阳市2019—2021年3 a云高仪观测资料,统计云出现频率、云层数和云底高度等指标,对该地区云的宏观特征进行分析,结果表明:(1) 襄阳市全年云系覆盖率较高,3 a平均云出现频率为61.3%。云出现频率呈现夏季高于冬季的季节变化特征,以及白天低、夜间高的日变化特征。(2) 云层数以单层云为主(78.3%),尤其在冬季(80.1%)。多层云分布中,双层云所占比例最大(18.5%),且多层云出现频率随云层数增加而降低;多层云出现频率夏季高、冬季低,主要与夏季水汽相对充足、温度较高使得对流旺盛等因素有关。(3) 云底高度在1.0 km以下的云,1月份出现频率为26%,云系分布较为分散,7月份达40%,云系相对集中;而云底高度在1.0~3.5 km之间的云,1月份出现频率达57%,云系分布较为集中,7月份为24%,云系相对分散。(4) 所有的对流性降水云,出现在6—8月的占83.3%,傍晚前后出现对流性降水的概率最大;云底高度上,对流性降水云平均云底高度较所有降水云平均结果更低,低云所占比例更大。
Abstract:In this study, the cloud macro-physical characteristics in Xiangyang of Hubei Province are statistically analyzed from the aspects of cloud occurrence frequency, number of cloud layers, and cloud base height by using the observation data of ceilometer from 2019 to 2021. The results are as follows. (1) The cloud coverage in Xiangyang is relatively high throughout the year, with an average cloud occurrence frequency of 61.3% in the three years. The frequency of cloud occurrence shows a seasonal variation of higher in summer but lower in winter, and a diurnal variation of higher level during nighttime but lower during daytime. (2) The cloud layer is dominated by single-layer clouds (78.3%), especially in winter (80.1%). In the multi-layer cloud system, two-layer clouds account for the largest proportion (18.5%). The occurrence frequency of multi-layer clouds decreases with the increase in the number of cloud layers, and it is usually high in summer but low in winter, which is mainly related to the relatively sufficient water vapor in summer and the strong convection caused by high temperatures. (3) For clouds with a cloud base height below 1.0 km, the occurrence frequency is 26% in January and 40% in July, indicating that the cloud distribution is relatively dispersed in January but relatively concentrated in July. However, for clouds with a cloud base height between 1.0 and 3.5 km, the occurrence frequency is 57% in January and 24% in July, that is, the cloud distribution is relatively concentrated in January, while relatively dispersed in July. (4) Convective precipitation clouds mainly occur from June to August, accounting for 83.3% of all convective precipitation clouds, and the probability of convective precipitation around the evening is the highest. In terms of cloud base height distribution, the average cloud base height of convective precipitation clouds is lower than that of all precipitation clouds, with a large occurrence frequency of low clouds.
图 4 2019—2021年襄阳市探测到所有云(a)以及单层(b)、双层(c)、三层(d) 云时的云底高度频率分布
Figure 4. Frequency distribution of cloud base height for (a) all found layers aggregated, (b) the single layer when 1 layer is detected, (c) the lower and higher layers when 2 layers are detected, (d) the lower, middle and higher layers when 3 layers are detected
图 5 2019—2021年襄阳市单层、双层和三层云的云底高度分布盒须图(最上方和最下方的短横线分别为第90和第10百分位,盒子的上下边缘分别对应上下四分位数,盒子中间的横线为中位数,菱形表示平均值)
Figure 5. Box diagram of cloud base height distribution of single-layer, two-layer, and three-layer clouds in Xiangyang during 2019-2021. Note that diamond-shaped markers and horizontal lines in the box present the average and median values, whiskers show the 25~75% data range and bars give the 10th and 90th percentiles
图 6 2019—2021年1月(a)、4月(b)、7月(c)、10月(d)襄阳市单层云云底高度频率分布以及不同季节代表性月份中低云、中云和高云出现比例和云底高度平均值(e)
Figure 6. Standardized single-layer cloud base height frequencies in (a) January, (b) April, (c) July, (d) October, and (e) the proportion of low, middle, and high clouds and the averaged cloud base heights in representative months of different seasons in Xiangyang during 2019-2021
表 1 2019—2021单层、双层、三层及以上云层数出现比例(单位: %)
Table 1 Proportion (unit: %) of single-layer, two-layer, three-layer, and other multi-layer clouds when clouds are detected during 2019-2021
云层数 2019 2020 2021 平均 单层 76.5 76.7 81.7 78.3 双层 19.7 19.7 16.0 18.5 三层 3.3 3.2 2.0 2.9 三层以上 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 -
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