

Progress in the study of winter storm track and its precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere

  • 摘要: 风暴路径指中纬度气旋的高发区,其通过影响热量、水汽和角动量的输送进而影响全球气候系统。首先回顾和评述了风暴路径的天气动力学特征及其影响因子和气候变化、风暴路径降水特点等研究结果,表明位于北半球中纬度太平洋和大西洋上空的两大风暴路径区是大气斜压性、海陆分布及大地形效应、大气非绝热加热等因素共同作用的产物,同时也受到北大西洋涛动、北极涛动、太平洋海温异常及南方涛动等大尺度扰动的影响。然后通过分析风暴路径气旋中心区降水结构特点和风暴路径降水空间分布特征,揭示了风暴路径大气扰动中心区与降水中心区错位现象,这一新发现对深入理解中高纬度地区大气扰动与降水之间关系、进一步评估风暴路径降水及其潜热对气候变化的影响均具有重要意义。最后对未来风暴路径云和降水研究进行了展望。


    Abstract: Storm tracks refer to the high-frequency area of mid-latitude cyclonic activities, which act on the global climate system by affecting the transport of a wide range of heat, water vapor, and angular momentum. This paper reviews and evaluates the important results of storm tracks from the aspects of their synoptic dynamic characteristics, influencing factors, climate changes, as well as their precipitation characteristics. These results demonstrate that the two major storm track regions over the Pacific and Atlantic in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere are the products of the combined effects of atmospheric baroclinicity, sea-land distribution, large topographic effects, and atmospheric diabatic heating. At the same time, results also show that storm tracks are affected by large-scale perturbations such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Arctic Oscillation (AO), the Pacific Ocean SST anomaly, and the Southern Oscillation (SO). By analyzing the characteristics of precipitation structure and spatial distribution of precipitation in the cyclone center of the storm track, this paper also reveals the dislocation between the center area of atmospheric disturbance in the storm track and the center area of precipitation. This new finding is of clear significance for further understanding the relationship between atmospheric disturbance and precipitation in the middle and high latitudes, and further evaluating the impact of storm track precipitation and its latent heat on climate change. In the end, this paper provides prospects for future studies on cloud and precipitation in storm tracks.


