

Mesoscale characteristics and triggering mechanism of a sudden heavy rainstorm in Shaanxi

  • 摘要: 2020年8月5—6日陕西中东部的平原和秦岭山区洛南县两处局地突发大暴雨,造成6人死亡、10人失踪,全球模式和中尺度模式对此次过程的强度和落区均存在预报偏差。为加深对此类天气过程的认识,利用常规地面、高空观测资料、ERA5再分析资料和多普勒天气雷达资料,对此次大暴雨过程的环流背景、环境条件和中尺度对流系统(MCS)演变特征及成因进行分析。结果表明:(1) 大暴雨发生于弱天气尺度强迫条件下,暴雨区500 hPa为西太平洋副热带高压控制,中低层无明显天气尺度系统主导,地面上无冷锋;陕西中东部700 hPa未出现强水汽输送带,但边界层存在较强的水汽输送带,暴雨区本地水汽含量非常充沛,大气整层可降水量50~70 mm,大气可降水量偏离气候平均1.5~2 σ,同时对流有效位能为3 000~4 800 J·kg−1,0—6 km深层垂直风切变较弱,环境场条件有利于突发性大暴雨的发生。(2) 平原和秦岭山区洛南两处落区的大暴雨物理过程有所不同。平原的雷暴由平原地区地面辐合线、平原南侧骊山分别触发,骊山触发的雷暴向平原地区传播与平原地区雷暴合并增强,形成β中尺度对流系统(MβCS)。MβCS沿高空西南风向东北方向移动,给平原地区带来局地大暴雨。强雷暴主要在β中尺度对流系统的东北侧生成和维持,MβCS强雷暴中维持约1 h的低层γ中尺度气旋性涡旋直接造成了平原地区103.7 mm∙h−1极端短时强降水;冷池驱动、低层垂直风切变相对于雷暴出流边界方向的有利配置是平原地区雷暴加强和维持的原因。(3) 秦岭山区洛南附近的雷暴由地形抬升边界层东南风触发,下午至夜间边界层稳定维持的东南风是雷暴触发的关键因子,雷暴单体后向传播在西南平流作用下形成“列车效应”经过洛南北部,造成大暴雨天气。


    Abstract: A local sudden heavy rainstorm occured on 5-6 August 2020 in the plain area of the central and mid-eastern Shaanxi and the montainous area Luonan of Qinling Montains, causing 6 people death and 10 missing cases. Both global numerical model and Meso-scale numerical models had biases in predicting the location and intensity of this event. To deepen our understanding of such weather processes, based on conventional surface and upper-air observation data, ERA5 reanalysis data, and Doppler weather radar data, we analyze the circulation background, environmental conditions characteristics of the meso-scale convective systems (MCS) and triggering mechanisms of this heavy rainstorm process. The results are as follows. (1) The heavy rainstorm occurred under a weak synoptic-scale forcing, influenced by a sub-tropical high at 500 hPa, with no obvious synoptic scale weather system dominating at mid-lower levels, and no cold fronts on the ground. There was no strong water vapor transport at 700 hPa in the central and eastern Shaanxi, but there was a strong water vapor transport at the boundary layer, and the local water vapor content was abundant in the rainstorm area. The total atmospheric precipitable water reached 50~70 mm which deviated 1.5~2 \sigma from the climate average, while the convective available potential energy (CAPE) over 3 000~4 800 J·kg−1 and the vertical wind shear between 0 and 6 km was weak, which provided favorable environmental conditions for the occurrence of the sudden heavy rainstorm. (2) The physical processes of the heavy rainstorms in the plain area and the montainous area Luonan of Qinling Montains were different. The thunderstorm in the plain was triggered respectively by the convergence line on the ground and Lishan mountain in the south of plain. The thunderstorm triggered by Lishan Montain propagated towards the plain, merging with the thunderstorm in the plain, and furthermore enhanced to be a meso-β-scale (MβCS) convective system, which moved northeastwards along southwesterly on upper-level, led to a local sundden rainstorm in the plain. The strong thunderstorms were mainly generated and maintained at the northeast side of the MβCS convective system, in which a MβCS vortex maintaining nearly 1 h at lower layer directly induced an extreme severe precipitation of 103.7 mm∙h−1 in a short time in the plain. The favorable configuration of cold pool driving and direction of low-level vertical wind shear relative to the thunderstorm outflow boundary is the reason for the strengthening and maintenance of thunderstorms in the plain. (3) The thunderstorms adjacent to Luonan of Qinling Montains were triggered by the southeasterly wind at the topographic uplift boundary layer, and key factor was the southeasterly wind on the boundary layer maintaining stable from afternoon to night. The thunderstorm cells propagating backwards formed a train effect under the influence of southwestward advection passing over the north of Luonan, thus caused heavy rainstorm.


