

Boundary layer characteristics during the process of a South China squall line

  • 摘要: 探究飑线过程中边界层湍流运动变化及其原因是深化飑线机理认识的重要途径。利用中尺度数值模式WRF模拟了2020年5月11—12日华南地区一次飑线过程,在模拟结果与实况较为吻合的基础上,用高分辨率模式输出资料对飑线过程的边界层结构和湍流通量输送特征进行了分析,并基于湍流动能收支方程分析了该过程的湍流动能特征。结果表明:(1) 根据雷达回波演变特征及观测资料将飑线过程分为形成、发展、成熟、消亡四个阶段。其中,形成阶段有较强的环境不稳定能量积累;发展阶段地面假相当位温θse陡立分布,地面气旋增强,触发不稳定能量释放,对流后向新生,飑线水平尺度增加;随后飑线向东南移动与分散对流合并,进入成熟阶段,此时飑线后部中层干冷空气入流加强了下沉运动并在地面形成冷池,随着飑线中部断裂,进入消亡阶段。(2) 此次飑线的边界层湍流活动较强,对流新生过程中湍流动能(TKE)积累,随后耗散减小;随着飑线与分散对流合并进入成熟阶段,TKE又迅速增强至异常大值;入夜后飑线减弱,TKE降至最低。(3) 飑线形成过程中,强湍流运动使新生对流中的较大潜热通量向上输送水汽,形成强不稳定环境;到成熟阶段,飑线后部层状云中的潜热通量达最大,飑线进一步发展,强度达最强。(4) 飑线过程中的湍流动能变化主要受风切变项和浮力项影响,对流初始阶段,地面涡旋使风切变项加强达到负浮力项的2~3倍,同时受前方地形抬升影响,TKE增加。飑线形成后,冷池使TKE减小,到成熟阶段飑线移动至复杂地形区,正风切变项和冷池带来的负浮力项均达最大,风切变项达到浮力项的10倍以上,使TKE增大,湍流通量输送达最大。


    Abstract: Investigating the changes and the underlying causes of turbulence movement in boundary layer during the growth of squall lines is crucial for enhancing the understanding of squall line mechanisms. This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to simulate a squall line event in South China from May 11 to 12, 2020. Based on the agreement between simulated and observed data, high-resolution model output is used to analyze the boundary layer structure and turbulence flux transportation characteristics of the squall line process, with turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) features analyzed through the turbulence kinetic energy budget equation. The results are as follows. (1) Based on radar echo evolution and observational data, the squall line process is divided into four stages: formation, development, maturation, and dissipation. During the formation stage, there is significant accumulation of environmental instability energy. In the development stage, a steep gradient of surface equivalent potential temperature (θse) is observed, surface cyclogenesis intensifies, triggering the release of instability energy, leading to the growth of the convective monomer merging with the back of the convection cell and an increase in the horizontal scale of the squall line. The squall line moves southeast and merges with dispersed convection. On the maturation stage, the mid-level dry and cold air influx strengthening subsidence and forming a cold pool at the surface. As the middle of the squall line breaks, it enters the stage of extinction. (2) The boundary layer turbulence during the squall line event is intense, with TKE accumulating during convective initiation and subsequently decreasing; as the squall line merges with dispersed convection and reaches maturity, TKE rapidly increases to an unusually high value, then decreases to a minimum during nighttime weakening of the squall line. (3) During the formation stage, strong turbulence facilitates substantial latent heat flux upwards, creating a highly unstable environment; by the maturation stage, the latent heat flux reaches its maximum in the stratiform cloud region behind the squall line with the squall line further intensifying to its peak. (4) TKE variations are primarily influenced by wind shear and buoyancy terms. During convective initiation stage, ground vortices result in wind shear being 2-3 times the negative buoyancy term, with terrain uplift contributing to increased TKE. After the formation of squall line, the cold pool reduces TKE, while in the maturation stage, the squall line moves into a complex terrain region where both positive wind shear and negative buoyancy terms peak, with wind shear exceeding buoyancy terms by more than ten times, resulting in an increase of TKE and enhanced turbulence flux transport to its maximum.


