

Investigating the characteristics of short-duration heavy rainfall during flood season in Zhejiang Province using the minute rain gauge data

  • 摘要: 利用2018—2022年汛期(4—9月)浙江省国家和区域自动气象站分钟和小时雨量数据,结合功率谱分析方法,研究了浙江省近5 a前汛期(4—5月)、梅汛期(6—7月)和盛夏期(8—9月)短时强降水时空特征,对比分析了基于分钟和小时雨量数据统计的短时强降水时空特征差异,探究了短时强降水高发区降水特征。结果表明:(1) 浙江省东部沿海和西南山区为短时强降水高发区,东部沿海地区短时强降水强度较其它地区偏强。东部沿海地区短时强降水集中发生于梅汛期和盛夏期的午后至傍晚,西南山区短时强降水集中发生于梅汛期的早晨至午后。(2) 与分钟雨量相比,基于小时雨量数据统计的短时强降水时空特征与分钟雨量数据相似,但统计所得的短时强降水小时数偏少且强度偏小,小时数偏少约30%,强度偏小约20%。(3) 在东部沿海地区,从前汛期至盛夏期,短时强降水过程频次、累计雨量、持续时间和降水效率随月份增加而增大。在西南山区,短时强降水过程频次、累计雨量和持续时间在梅汛期最大,而降水效率在梅汛期最小,在盛夏期最大。(4) 不同高发区短时强降水过程分钟降水时间尺度接近,以35~55 min为主。过程初期雨强增大快,10~15 min达到峰值,20 min起雨强逐渐减小。2 mm·(5 min)−1和5 mm·(10 min)−1可作为浙江省短时强降水事件的预警参考指标,5 mm·(5 min)−1是发生极端短时强降水事件的初期预警参考指标。


    Abstract: Using the minute and hour rain gauge data collected by automatic weather stations in Zhejiang Province during flood season (April to September) from 2018 to 2022 and the power spectrum analysis, this study investigates the spatial-temporal characteristics of short-duration heavy rainfall (SDR) in Zhejiang Province during the pre-flood season (April to May), plum rain season (June to July) and midsummer (August to September). The spatial-temporal differences of SDR based on minute and hour rainfall data are compared, and the characteristics of the heavy rainfall processes in high incidence areas are analyzed. The results are as follows. (1) East coastal area and southwestern mountain area are the high incidence areas of the SDR, and the intensity of the SDR is stronger in East coastal area than other areas. The SDR events in the eastern coastal area mainly occur from late afternoon to early evening during the plum rain season and midsummer, and the SDR events in the southwestern mountainous area mainly occur from early morning to mid-afternoon during the plum rain season. (2) Compared to the analyses based on the minute rain gauge data, the spatial-temporal characteristics of SDR revealed by the hour rain gauge data is similar to that based on the hour minute gauge data, but the hours of SDR is smaller and the intensity of SDR is weaker, with about 30% less hours and about 20% less intensity. (3) In the eastern coastal region, the frequency and intensity of the SDR increases from the pre-flood season to midsummer, with the prolonged duration and larger rainfall efficiency. In the southwestern mountainous areas, the frequency, intensity and duration of the SDR peak during the plum rain season, while the seasonal variation of precipitation efficiency reaches its minimum in the plum rain season and maximum in the midsummer. (4) The time scales of SDR events are similar across different high-incidence regions, mainly ranging from 35 to 55 minutes. At the beginning of the SDR process, the rainfall intensity increases rapidly, reaching its peak at about 10 to 15 minutes, and gradually decreases after about 20 minutes. Statistical analyses indicate that 2 mm·(5 min)−1 and 5 mm·(10 min)−1 are effective warning indicators for SDR events, and 5 mm·(5 min)−1 is the initial indicator for extreme SDR events.


