

Selection of top ten heavy rainstorm events over China in 2023 and process introduction

  • 摘要: 为提高公众对暴雨的关注,助力暴雨学科高质量发展,进一步补充中国在年度重大暴雨事件记录上的信息,从2022年开始,在中国气象学会支持下,中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所联合多家单位组织开展中国年度十大暴雨事件遴选活动。2023年我国天气形势复杂,气候异常,暴雨洪涝和台风等极端事件频发,十大暴雨事件主要有以下特点:(1) 空间分布不均,华北、华南沿海和东北暴雨灾害性强,台风“杜苏芮”给京津冀、东南沿海和东北地区带来特大暴雨,海河、松花江等流域遭遇严峻汛情;(2) 过程连续降水量大、暴雨日数多,河北、吉林、广东、福建等地多个国家气象站的降水量和暴雨日数突破历史极值;(3) 2023年的十大暴雨事件中,有5次过程受台风系统或减弱后的低压环流影响,其他暴雨事件的影响系统主要包括低空急流、低层切变线和高空槽。


    Abstract: In order to raise the public's attention to rainstorm, show the leading role of the national meteorological research institute in the professional field, support the national rainstorm forecasting business service, help the high-quality development of rainstorm discipline, and fill the gap in China's annual major rainstorm event records, from 2022, with the support of the Chinese Meteorological Society, Wuhan Institute of Heavy rainstorm organized the selection of China's annual top ten heavy rainstorm events. In 2023, the weather situations and climate states over China are complex and abnormal, the extreme events such as rainstorm, flood and typhoon occur frequently. The main characteristics of the top ten heavy rainstorm events are as follows. (1) The spatial distributions are uneven. The rainstorm disasters in the coastal areas of North China, South China and Northeast China are serious, and the Haihe River and Songhua River basins suffer severe floods. (2) These rainstorm processes have large continuous precipitation and number of rainstorm days. Many national meteorological stations in Hebei, Jilin, Guangdong, Fujian broke the historical extreme value. (3) Typhoon, trough, vortex and low-level shear line are the main weather systems which lead to rainstorm events.


