

Statistical characteristics of rainstorms in Guizhou caused by southwest vortex with shear line

  • 摘要: 为进一步认识西南涡及切变线对贵州暴雨的影响及重要性,利用2010—2023年4—10月贵州省84个国家观测站日降水资料、Micaps常规观测资料以及FNL1°×1°再分析资料,分别统计分析了近14 a的西南涡及切变线的特征以及其造成的贵州暴雨的特征。结果表明:(1)近14 a西南涡及切变线主要在夜间生成,六成向东移动,四成向东南移动;涡源次数最多为小金涡源,其次为九龙涡源。(2)影响贵州的西南涡及切变线,七成左右为东南移向,主要在川南向南移动后影响贵州中部偏西地区;其中来自小金涡源和九龙涡源的次数较多且相当,而且6月份的次数明显多于其他月份。(3)近14 a贵州三成以上区域性暴雨由西南涡及切变线造成,为各影响系统之首,并且主要由东南移向的西南涡及切变线造成;其造成的暴雨大值中心区主要在贵州西部的北盘江附近,其次为东南部的雷公山附近,造成的暴雨次数在6月最多,7月次之。


    Abstract: To further understand the influence and importance of southwest vortex with shear line (SWVSL) on the rainstorms in Guizhou, the characteristics of SWVSL and rainstorms in Guizhou caused by SWVSL in recent 14 years were statistically analyzed by using the daily precipitation data from 84 national observation stations in Guizhou Province, the MICAPS regular observation data, FNL1°×1 ° reanalysis data from April to October between 2010 and 2023. The results showed that: (1) in recent 14 years, SWVSL primarily generated at night, with 60% moving eastward and 40% moving southeastward. The highest frequency of vortex sources was from Xiaojin, followed by Jiulong. (2) About 70% of SWVSL affecting Guizhou moved to the southeast, mainly affected the west-central region of Guizhou after they moved southward from southern Sichuan. Vortices originating from the Xiaojin vortex source and Jiulong vortex source were more frequent with comparable frequency, and their occurrence in June was obviously more than that of other months. (3) In recent 14 years, over 30% of regional heavy rain events in Guizhou were caused by SWVSL, which was the leading influencing system. In addition, these events were primarily caused by SWVSL moving southeastward. The heavy rainfall centers caused by SWVSL were mainly located near the Beipan River in western Guizhou, followed by Leigong Mountain in the southeast. The most frequent heavy rainfall events occurred in June, followed by July.


