

Spatial-temporal characteristics of rainstorm on the eastern Fanjing Mountain under the influence of easterly airflow in recent ten years

  • 摘要: 受地形和低层偏东气流影响,梵净山东侧强降水频发,给当地人民的生命和财产造成严重威胁。利用2014—2023贵州省铜仁市区域自动站降水观测数据和ERA5再分析数据,分析了低层偏东气流影响下梵净山东侧暴雨(Rainstorm on the eastern Fanjing Mountain under the influence of easterly airflow,RF)的时空特征。结果表明:(1) RF常出现在925 hPa盛行偏东气流背景下,每年发生15次左右,集中在5—9月,6月和8月发生次数最多,其次是7月,6—8月的RF占所有RF事件的65.3%。(2) RF降水具有显著的区域性特征,地形显著影响降水分布,降水量、频率和强度大值中心出现在海拔高度差最大的梵净山东麓,其次是梵净山东北侧开口朝向东北方向的喇叭口地形狭窄处。大暴雨以上量级的降水频率和强度分布表明梵净山东侧比东北侧更易发生较大范围的极端暴雨。(3) RF夜间明显,降水量、强度和频率均呈现白天低、夜间高的日变化特征,降水强度显著影响降水量日变化,降水量在08:00的主峰值受5月和6月降水强度的影响,22:00左右的次峰值受8月降水强度的影响,而15:00左右的第三峰值受5月和7月降水强度的影响。同时5—9月各月在22:00左右均具有降水量大、强度较强的特征。(4) 6月和7月的RF具有极端性,持续时间达6—7 h,8月的RF持续时间为4 h左右。


    Abstract: The increasing frequency of heavy rainfall on the eastern Fanjing Mountain due to the influence of topography and easterly airflow at low-level have bad significant effects on the lives and property of local people. This paper focuses on revealing the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of rainstorm on the eastern Fanjing Mountain under the influence of easterly airflow (RF) at low-level based on the precipitation observation data of Tongren regional automatic weather station and ERA5 reanalysis data during 2014-2023.The results are as follows. (1) RF occurs about 15 times a year when an easterly airflow prevails at 925 hPa especially, and it is concentrated from May to September of the year with the most appearance occurring in June and August, followed by July. The number of RF events from June to August accounts for 65.3% of all RF events. (2) The precipitation of RF is affected by topography significantly with heterogeneous distributions. The maximum of precipitation amount, frequency, and intensity is located at the eastern foot of Fanjing Mountain where the altitude difference is the greatest, followed by the narrow trumpet-shaped topography facing northeastward at the northeastern Fanjing Mountain. Also, it is more likely to occur that widespread extreme rainstorm on the eastern Fanjing Mountain than that on the northeastern Fanjing Mountain according to the distribution of frequency and intensity above downpour. (3) Nighttime RF is more obvious than daytime RF, which contributes to the increased nighttime precipitation amount, frequency, and intensity. And the diurnal variation of precipitation amount is mainly contributed by the precipitation intensity, because the main peak value of precipitation amount around 08:00 is influenced by the precipitation intensity in May and June, while the secondary (third) peak value of precipitation amount occurs at 22:00 (15:00) is affected by the precipitation intensity in August (May and July). Furthermore, it is obvious to see that the characteristics of large precipitation and strong intensity from May to September around 22:00. (4) It is clear that the RF in June and July lasting 6—7 h is extreme, while RF lasting 4 h is prone to occur in August.


