

Comparative evaluation of micro rain radar with ground precipitation observation instruments and its application study

  • 摘要: 微雨雷达(Micro Rain Radar,MRR)反演结果受多种因素影响,为评估MRR降水探测能力和应用效果,以地面雨量计数据为基准,基于2022年3月—2023年5月襄阳国家基本气象站降雨过程中MRR和同址DSG5型降水现象仪测量的雨滴谱信息及其反演的特征参量,从不同高度和不同降雨类型等方面对MRR降水探测能力进行评估,并选取襄阳站2023年5月4日一次典型降水过程对应的观测结果开展MRR应用效果分析。结果表明: (1) 当探测高度为100 m时,MRR与雨量计所测的小时降雨量值最为接近。(2) 相较于对流云降水和弱降水,层状云降水时MRR的探测性能最优。(3) 相较于DSG5,对流云降水时MRR中等雨滴和大雨滴对降雨率的贡献均偏小,而小雨滴数浓度及其对降雨率的贡献偏大。(4) 相较于MRR,对流云降水和层状云降水时DSG5观测的小雨滴和中等雨滴平均雨滴谱均偏小,弱降水时DSG5观测的小雨滴平均雨滴谱也偏小,但大雨滴平均雨滴谱偏大。(5) 襄阳市一次典型降水过程中,层状云降水和弱降水零度层亮带高度基本稳定在3.8 km左右;对于层状云降水,粒子在零度层经历复杂的相态变化后最终融化成雨滴,在降至地面过程中主要经历小雨滴的碰并和蒸发,中等雨滴对地面降雨率的贡献最大。


    Abstract: The micro rain radar (MRR) inversion results can be influenced by various factors. In order to evaluate the precipitation detection capability and application effect of MRR, the rain gauge (RG) observations are used as the benchmark, the raindrop size distributions(DSD) and the corresponding inversed characteristic parameters obtained by MRR and the co-located DSG5 present weather sensor during the precipitation events from March 2022 to May 2023 at the Xiangyang National Basic Meteorological Station are implied, to evaluate the precipitation detection capability of MRR from the prospect of different heights and different rainfall types, and, the application effect of MRR by using the observations during a typical rain event on May 4th, 2023 in Xiangyang is analyzed. The results are as follows. (1) The observed hourly rainfalls of MRR and rain gauge are most consistent at the height of 100 m. (2) MRR shows the best detection performance at stratiform rain when compared to convective and light rain. (3) Compared to DSG5, the MRR observed contributions of medium and large raindrops to the rain rates during the convective rain are smaller, while the concentrations of small raindrops and their contributions to rain rates are larger. (4) Compared to MRR, the DSG5 observed average DSD for small and medium raindrops during convective and stratiform rain are smaller, and during light rain the DSG5 observed average DSD for small raindrops are also smaller, but larger for large raindrops. (5) During the typical rain event in Xiangyang, the bright band height of stratiform and light rain remain relatively stable at around 3.8 km. For the stratiform rain, the particles undergo complex phase transitions in the bright band and eventually melt into raindrops, these raindrops mainly experienced collision and evaporation of small raindrops during their descent to the ground, and, medium raindrops make the greatest contribution to the ground rain rate.


