赵城城, 杨洪平, 刘晓阳, 李柏. 2014: 大雨滴对雷达定量测量降水的影响研究. 暴雨灾害, 33(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2014.02.002
引用本文: 赵城城, 杨洪平, 刘晓阳, 李柏. 2014: 大雨滴对雷达定量测量降水的影响研究. 暴雨灾害, 33(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2014.02.002
ZHAO Chengcheng, YANG Hongping, LIU Xiaoyang, LI Bai. 2014: Effects of large raindrops on radar quantitative precipitation estimation. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2014.02.002
Citation: ZHAO Chengcheng, YANG Hongping, LIU Xiaoyang, LI Bai. 2014: Effects of large raindrops on radar quantitative precipitation estimation. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(2): 106-111. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2014.02.002


Effects of large raindrops on radar quantitative precipitation estimation

  • 摘要: 根据米散射雷达截面公式,分别利用模拟M-P 谱分布和模拟强降水对流谱分布以及实测强降水雨滴谱资料,计算粒子直径6 次方之和(Zd)与3.2 cm、5.5 cm 和10 cm 三种波长雷达的等效反射率因子值(Ze)及二者之间的差值,进而分析其对雷达定量测量降水的影响。结果表明: 随着降水强度增大,单位体积内雨滴个数(N)、大雨滴含量和Zd值均增加,对3.2 cm 波长雷达,Ze>Zd且Ze-Zd增大, 差值超过2 dB;对5.5 cm 波长雷达,Ze由小于Zd值逐渐转变为大于Zd值, 差值在±1 dB 左右;对10 cm 波长雷达,Ze<Zd且|Ze-Zd|增大,差值达-1 dB;在同一滴谱分布下,波长越短,大雨滴对雷达反射率因子测量值影响越大,对雷达定量测量降水影响越严重。


    Abstract: According to the Mie backscattering cross-section formula, three types of drop size distributions (DSD), i.e., the M-P distribution, the simulated convective precipitation DSD and the heavy rain observations by disdrometer, are used to calculate the sum of the diameter's sixth power of all raindrops (Zd), the equivalent reflectivity factors (Ze) of 3.2 cm, 5.5 cm and 10 cm radars, and their corresponding differences to analyze effects of the differences on quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE). The results show that as precipitation becomes stronger, the total number density of all raindrops (N), the number density of large raindrops and Zd all increase. As the number of large raindrops increases, for 3.2 cm wavelength radar, Ze is greater than Zd, and their difference increases with rainfall intensity. The maximum difference might exceed 2 dB. For 5.5 cm wavelength radar, Ze changes from less than Zd to greater than Zd as rainfall intensity increases; the difference varies from -1dB to 1 dB. For 10 cm wavelength radar, Ze is always less than Zd and their difference might reach to -1 dB. Hence, when large raindrops existing, the shorter the wavelength is, the less accurate the radar reflectivity factor is under the same raindrop size distribution, which directly results in inaccurate QPE.


