赵娴婷, 赵玉春, 汪小康, 柯丹, 王晓芳. 2016: 宜昌峡口区夏季暴雨天气分型及多普勒雷达特征. 暴雨灾害, 35(4): 334-343. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.04.005
引用本文: 赵娴婷, 赵玉春, 汪小康, 柯丹, 王晓芳. 2016: 宜昌峡口区夏季暴雨天气分型及多普勒雷达特征. 暴雨灾害, 35(4): 334-343. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.04.005
ZHAO Xianting, ZHAO Yuchun, WANG Xiaokang, KE Dan, WANG Xiaofang. 2016: Weather classification and Doppler radar characteristics of summer rainstorms in Yichang gap district. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 35(4): 334-343. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.04.005
Citation: ZHAO Xianting, ZHAO Yuchun, WANG Xiaokang, KE Dan, WANG Xiaofang. 2016: Weather classification and Doppler radar characteristics of summer rainstorms in Yichang gap district. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 35(4): 334-343. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.04.005


Weather classification and Doppler radar characteristics of summer rainstorms in Yichang gap district

  • 摘要: 利用区域雷达拼图产品,结合探空、地面常规观测资料,对2010—2012年6—7月湖北宜昌峡口区暴雨的天气形势进行分型,并分析不同天气型下雷达回波演变的典型特征,可建立5种雷达回波暴雨概念模型,即副高边缘Ⅰ型、副高边缘Ⅱ型、低槽东移型、低涡暖切型和低压型。(1)副高边缘型中,副热带高压北抬至湖北境内,雷达回波带呈东西向或东北—西南向分布。Ⅰ型中,宜昌南侧和北侧生成的强回波逐渐向宜昌峡口区汇合。Ⅱ型中,主要受强回波东移影响。(2)低槽东移型中,副热带高压位于长江以南,雷达回波带呈东北—西南走向,强回波也呈东北—西南向东移影响宜昌峡口区。(3)低涡暖切型中,副热带高压偏南偏弱。雷达回波带呈准东西走向,强回波较少出现。(4)低压型中,低层西南或华南存在低压横槽(倒槽),受闭合低压东北侧气流影响,强回波相继向西北方向移动。(5)副高边缘型和低槽东移型中,强回波的回波顶高和垂直累积液态水含量较高。


    Abstract: Based on radar mosaic products and regular observational data, the weather patterns of rainstorm in Yichang gap district of Hubei province in June and July of 2010-2012 are classified. The typical characteristics of radar echo under different weather types are analyzed, and five types of conceptual models of radar echo for heavy rain are created. The models include the tropical high edgeⅠmodel, the tropical high edge Ⅱ model, the trough moving eastwards model, the vortex and warm shear model and the depression model. (1) In the subtropical high edge model, the subtropical high approaches northward to Hubei Province and the radar echo band exhibits the direction from east to west or from northeast to southwest. In Ⅰ model, the strong radar echo lines from the south and north of Yichang join at Yichang gap district. In Ⅱ model, it is affected by strong radar echo moving eastward. (2)In the trough moving eastwards model, the subtropical high locates in the south of the Yangtze River. The radar echo band exhibits northeast-southwest in direction and the strong radar echo move eastward and influence the gap district in Yichang. (3)In the vortex and warm shear model, the subtropical high has the south-central position and weaker strength. The radar echo belt shows quasi east-west direction distribution, and strong radar echo occurs rarely. (4)In the depression model, the closed low pressure and transverse (inverted) trough occurs in Southwestern China or South China. The strong radar echo that is affected by the southeast flow of the closed low pressure moves continually northwestward. (5) In the subtropical high edge model and the trough moving eastwards model, the radar echo top and the vertically integrated liquid are high.


