

Numerical simulation study on a hail event in Xichang

  • 摘要: 利用三维冰雹云模式,对2013年4月29日四川西昌的一次降雹过程进行了数值模拟。模拟结果显示:该例冰雹云存在过冷雨水累积带;霰是冰雹的主要胚胎,雹块主要通过撞冻云水增长,其次是撞冻霰增长;模拟区域内液态降水量和固态降水量分别占地面总降水量的52%和48%,冰雹占固态降水94%;通过对该例雹云中冰晶、雪、霰、冻滴的微物理过程分析发现,在雹云发展的不同阶段,冰雹的形成机制不同。


    Abstract: A three-dimensional hailstorm numerical model is used to simulate and analyze a hailstorm in Xichang on 29 April 2013.The simulated results show that the cases of Hailstorm had an accumulation zone of supercooled raindrops.Graupel is the main hail embryo, and hails grow mainly through the process of hail hitting the freezing cloud water, followed by hitting freezing graupels.Solid and liquid precipitation accounted for 48% and 52% of the total precipitation, respectively.However, hail accounted for 94% of solid precipitation.Based on the analysis of the microphysical processes involving cloud ice, snow, graupel and frozen drops, it can be seen that during different stages of the development of hail clouds, hail formation mechanism is different.


