张云惠, 于碧馨, 王智楷, 贾丽红. 2018: 伊犁河谷夏季两次极端暴雨过程的动力机制与水汽输送特征. 暴雨灾害, 37(5): 435-444. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.006
引用本文: 张云惠, 于碧馨, 王智楷, 贾丽红. 2018: 伊犁河谷夏季两次极端暴雨过程的动力机制与水汽输送特征. 暴雨灾害, 37(5): 435-444. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.006
ZHANG Yunhui, YU Bixin, WANG Zhikai, JIA Lihong. 2018: Dynamic mechanism and water vapor transportation characteristics of two extreme rainstorm events in Ili River valley in summer of 2016. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 37(5): 435-444. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.006
Citation: ZHANG Yunhui, YU Bixin, WANG Zhikai, JIA Lihong. 2018: Dynamic mechanism and water vapor transportation characteristics of two extreme rainstorm events in Ili River valley in summer of 2016. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 37(5): 435-444. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.006


Dynamic mechanism and water vapor transportation characteristics of two extreme rainstorm events in Ili River valley in summer of 2016

  • 摘要: 新疆伊犁河谷2016年6月16-17日和7月31日-8月1日先后发生两次极端暴雨过程(分别简称"0617"过程和"0801 "过程),其日降水量均连续刷新历史记录,前者雨强大、时段分散,后者面雨量大、强降水持续时间长。本文利用常规观测资料、自动站逐时雨量资料与ECMWF 0.25°×0.25°再分析资料,对这两次过程进行了对比分析,重点探讨了两次过程动力机制与水汽输送特征的异同点,其主要结果如下。相同点:两次过程均发生在500 hPa两脊一槽环流背景下,中亚低槽南伸至40°N附近、伊犁河谷低空偏西急流建立与维持以及地形影响下的风切变、风速辐合与强迫抬升等相互配合是极端暴雨形成的有利环境条件;伊犁河谷低空偏西急流与中高层西南气流叠加使迎风坡维持强的垂直上升运动是暴雨产生的动力机制;暴雨的水汽源地主要在咸海至巴尔喀什湖南部40°N附近中亚地区偏西路径携带的水汽,其次是中高层偏南气流的水汽输送。不同点":0617"过程,热力条件较好,局地对流强,强降水时间短,小时雨量大,暴雨区分散,灾害重,而"0801"过程,500 hPa中亚低槽前偏南气流、600 hPa风切变明显偏强,尤其是中低层青藏高原东侧-河西走廊-南疆盆地偏东急流的维持,使得动力及水汽辐合机制异常偏强,异常水汽接力输送及强的动力辐合是该过程面雨量突破极值的主要原因;暴雨区水汽收支分析表明,"0617"过程水汽输入主要来自西边界,其次是北边界,而"0801"过程水汽输入主要来自南边界,其次是西、东边界,且降水随西、东边界中层水汽输入增强而明显增大。


    Abstract: Based on routine upper-air and surface observations, hourly rainfall from automatic weather stations (AWSs) and ECMWF reanalysis data with 0.25°×0.25° resolution, we have conducted a comparative analysis of the two extreme rainstorm events (hereinafter referred to as "0617" event and "0801" event, respectively) occurred in Ili River valley from June 16 to 17 and from July 31 to August 1 in 2016, emphasizing their similarities and differences in dynamic mechanism and water vapor transportation characteristics. Main results are as follows. The similarities show that (1) both rainstorm events occurred under the background with two troughs and one ridge pattern at 500 hPa. (2) The southward moving by 40°N of Central Asia low trough, establishment and maintenance of the westerly low-level jet stream over Ili River valley, and the wind shear, wind velocity convergence and forcing uplifting under topographic effect are observed. All these factors provide favorable environment conditions for the formation of extreme rainstorm. (3) The combined effect of the low-level westerly jet and the southwest air flow in the mid-and upper-level causes the maintenance of ascending movement in the windward slope, which is the dynamic mechanism of the two rainstorm events. (4) The water vapor for rainstorm comes mostly from the Central Asia nearby 40°N between Aral Sea and the south of Balkhash Lake. The differences show that (1) "0617" event is characterized by a more favorable thermodynamic condition, including strong local convection, short severe rainfall duration, large hourly rainfall, scattered rainstorm areas and serious disaster. The primary water input for this event is from the west boundary, and the secondary source is from north one. (2) In "0801" event, the southerly air flow in front of the trough at 500 hPa, and the convergence and shear of wind at 600 hPa are distinctly stronger. Especially, the easterly jet maintains over East Tibetan-Qinghai Plateau, Hexi Corridor and South Xinjiang in the mid-and low-level, which causes the dynamic and the water vapor convergence enhancement significantly. The primary water input is from the south boundary, and the secondary source is from the west and east. Precipitation increases obviously with the enhancement of the water input from the west and east boundary in the middle level. Unusual transport and strong convergence of water vapor result in the maximum area rainfall value which broke historical records during this event.


