聂云, 周继先, 顾欣, 周艳, 杜小玲. 2018: “6.18”梅雨锋西段黔东南大暴雨个例诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 37(5): 445-454. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.007
引用本文: 聂云, 周继先, 顾欣, 周艳, 杜小玲. 2018: “6.18”梅雨锋西段黔东南大暴雨个例诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 37(5): 445-454. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.007
NIE Yun, ZHOU Jixian, GU Xin, ZHOU Yan, DU Xiaoling. 2018: Diagnostic analysis of a torrential rain event occurred along western Meiyu front in Qiandongnan on 18 June 2015. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 37(5): 445-454. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.007
Citation: NIE Yun, ZHOU Jixian, GU Xin, ZHOU Yan, DU Xiaoling. 2018: Diagnostic analysis of a torrential rain event occurred along western Meiyu front in Qiandongnan on 18 June 2015. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 37(5): 445-454. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.05.007


Diagnostic analysis of a torrential rain event occurred along western Meiyu front in Qiandongnan on 18 June 2015

  • 摘要: 利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动站资料、FY-2C云顶亮温(TBB)资料及NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,对2015年6月17-18日发生在黔东南地区的典型梅雨锋西段暴雨进行了诊断分析。结果表明(:1)在500 hPa两槽一脊单阻型梅雨形势下,冷空气沿贝加尔湖阻塞高压东侧南下与来自南海、孟加拉湾的暖湿气流在黔东南交汇,500 hPa短波槽东移促使低空切变线东移南压和地面梅雨锋发展,配合200 hPa南亚高压东部脊附近的"辐散抽吸"作用,共同触发了中尺度对流系统(MCS)而造成暴雨;(2)大暴雨由多个MCS新生、东移、合并与发展加强造成,强降雨主要发生在对流云团发展到成熟阶段,TBB降低过程与降雨增强过程较为一致;(3)梅雨锋雨带上一镶嵌若干γ、β中尺度云团的α中尺度对流系统在黔东南地区维持是造成该地区清水江流域持续强降雨的直接原因;(4)低层正螺旋度中心、中高层负螺旋度中心均向下移动,且低层正螺旋度迅速增大,有利于低层切变线快速发展和降水增强;(5)低层850 hPa水汽通量辐合带与强降雨带吻合较好。


    Abstract: Using conventional observation data, regional automatic weather station data, black body temperature (TBB) from FY-2C satellite and NCEP reanalysis data with 1°×1° resolution, we have conducted the diagnostic analysis of a torrential rain event occurred along typical western Meiyu front in Qiandongnan from June 17 to 18 in 2015. The results indicate that (1) under the single blocking high background of two-trough and one-ridge pattern in Meiyu season, cold air moves southwards along the east side of Baikal Lake blocking high and counters warm and wet airflow from the South China Sea and the bay of Bengal in Qiandongnan. East-moving short-wave trough at 500 hPa makes the shear line in the low-level move eastwards and southwards and the Meiyu front in ground level develop, which, combined with the suction effect near the east ridge of the South Asian high at 200 hPa, triggers mesoscale convection system (MCS) that results in torrential rain. (2) The torrential rain, which mainly occurs from strengthening to mature stage of convective clouds, is caused by the genesis, eastward movement, merging and strengthening of multiple MCSs. The decreasing period of TBB is basically consistent with the increasing phase of rainfall. (3) A α-mesoscale convection system embedded with several γ-or β-mesoscale cloud clusters in the Meiyu front rain zone maintains in Qiandongnan, which is the direct reason that severe precipitation can last in Qingshuijiang river basin. (4) The downward movement of both the positive helicity center in the low-level and the negative one in the mid-and upper-level, and the rapid increase of the positive helicity in the low-level are conductive to the rapid development of shear line in the low-level and the enhancement of precipitation. (5) The water vapor flux convergence zone at 850 hPa tallies well with the severe precipitation areas.


