赵强, 彭力, 李文耀, 李静睿, 欧阳雨. 2022: 2021年4月陕西一次极端暴雨过程的成因诊断. 暴雨灾害, 41(2): 109-118. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.001
引用本文: 赵强, 彭力, 李文耀, 李静睿, 欧阳雨. 2022: 2021年4月陕西一次极端暴雨过程的成因诊断. 暴雨灾害, 41(2): 109-118. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.001
ZHAO Qiang, PENG Li, LI Wenyao, LI Jingrui, OUYang yu. 2022: Diagnosis of the causation of an extreme rainstorm in Shaanxi in April 2021. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 41(2): 109-118. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.001
Citation: ZHAO Qiang, PENG Li, LI Wenyao, LI Jingrui, OUYang yu. 2022: Diagnosis of the causation of an extreme rainstorm in Shaanxi in April 2021. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 41(2): 109-118. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.001


Diagnosis of the causation of an extreme rainstorm in Shaanxi in April 2021

  • 摘要: 2021年4月23日陕西东南部出现了大范围暴雨天气,共有18站日降雨量超过4月日雨量极值,较为罕见。利用常规高空、地面观测资料及ERA5再分析资料(0.25°×0.25°)对该暴雨过程成因及极端性进行诊断,结果表明:500 hPa高原槽前强西南气流带来的正涡度平流有利于低空急流的增强以及低涡的发展和维持。该过程有两支强水汽输送带,一支为偏南风水汽输送带,另一支为热带气旋外围的偏东风水汽输送带,700 hPa切变线以及850 hPa西南低涡给陕南带来显著的水汽辐合,持续充沛的水汽供应及辐合使得强降雨维持较长时间,从而形成暴雨。探空上有明显锋面逆温,锋区由南向北呈倾斜结构,锋生主要由辐合项和水平变形项贡献,其中水平变形项以伸缩变性项为主。西南暖湿气流沿着层冷垫爬升,中低层大气的风速、风向切变以及锋生造成强烈水汽辐合上升,同时偏南急流沿着秦岭和大巴山迎风坡的强迫抬升进一步增强了降水。标准化异常(SD)诊断显示,700 hPa、850 hPa超过3σ的异常偏强偏南风水汽输送以及850 hPa超过3σ异常偏强的偏东风水汽输送,造成陕西整层水汽含量异常偏大,同时由于中层辐合加上锋生造成的垂直环流,使得陕西东南部上升运动较气候态异常偏强3σ,造成4月份陕西极端暴雨过程。


    Abstract: A large-scale rainstorm occurred in southeastern Shaanxi on April 23, 2021, with a number of 18 stations' daily rainfall being exceeded their daily rain extreme value in April, which was relatively rare. The conventional upper air and surface observational data, and ERA5 reanalysis data (0.25°×0.25°) were used to diagnose the causes and extremes of the rainstorm event. The results showed that the positive vorticity advection brought by the strong southwestern airflow in front of the 500 hPa plateau trough was conducive to the enhancement of the low-level rapid flow and the development and the maintenance of the low vortex. There were two strong water vapor conveyor belts in this event, one was the southerly water vapor conveyor belt, and the other was the easterly water vapor conveyor belt outside the tropical cyclone. The 700 hPa shear line and 850 hPa southwest low vortex brought significant water vapor convergence to southern Shaanxi, and the continuous abundant water vapor supply and convergence made the strong rainfall sustained for a long time, which led to heavy rainfall. There was a significant frontal inversion on the sounding map, the frontal region was tilted from south to north, the frontal generation was mainly contributed by the convergence and horizontal deformation terms, and the horizontal deformation term was dominated by the telescopic variability term. The southwestern warm and humid airflow climbed along the lower cold cushion, the wind speed and wind shear in the middle and lower atmosphere as well as the frontal generation caused strong water vapor convergence and uplift, at the same time, the forced uplift of the southerly rapids along the windward slopes of the Qinling and Daba mountains enhanced the precipitation finally. The standardized anomaly (SD) diagnosis showed that the anomalously strong southerly water vapor transport at 700 hPa and 850 hPa which were over 3σ and the anomalously strong easterly water vapor transport at 850 hPa which was over 3σ caused the anomalously strong water vapor content in the whole layer in Shaanxi, at the same time, the mid-level convergence combined with the vertical circulation caused by the frontal generation made the upward movement of southeastern Shaanxi relatively stronger than the climate state anomaly 3σ, which caused the extreme rainstorm process in Shaanxi in April.


