周明飞, 杜小玲, 罗敬, 齐大鹏, 周文钰. 2022: 贵州“5.15”极端风雹天气过程的环境场和雷达回波特征. 暴雨灾害, 41(2): 158-166. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.006
引用本文: 周明飞, 杜小玲, 罗敬, 齐大鹏, 周文钰. 2022: 贵州“5.15”极端风雹天气过程的环境场和雷达回波特征. 暴雨灾害, 41(2): 158-166. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.006
ZHOU Mingfei, DU Xiaoling, LUO Jing, QI Dapeng, ZHOU Wenyu. 2022: Analysis of environmental field and radar echo characteristics for an extreme wind and hail event occurred in Guizhou on 15 May 2021. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 41(2): 158-166. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.006
Citation: ZHOU Mingfei, DU Xiaoling, LUO Jing, QI Dapeng, ZHOU Wenyu. 2022: Analysis of environmental field and radar echo characteristics for an extreme wind and hail event occurred in Guizhou on 15 May 2021. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 41(2): 158-166. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.02.006


Analysis of environmental field and radar echo characteristics for an extreme wind and hail event occurred in Guizhou on 15 May 2021

  • 摘要: 2021年5月15日贵州东北部发生了一次极端风雹天气过程。本文利用常规观测资料以及加密自动气象站、探空、卫星、多普勒天气雷达等资料,分析了该过程的环境场和雷达回波特征。结果表明: (1) 此次极端风雹天气发生在低层暖湿和对流层中下层(500 hPa以下)具有显著条件不稳定的环境下,冷锋前沿的地面辐合线是其触发机制,切变线南侧暖湿气流输送和较强的垂直风切变有利于对流风暴的维持和加强。(2) 贵州东北部较大的温度递减率和对流有效位能,强的垂直风切变,较低的自由对流高度是冰雹和雷暴大风发生的有利条件。雷暴系统过境使受其影响的测站风速急增、气压猛升、气温骤降,表现为典型的强雷暴系统过境特征。(3) 雷暴系统由初始线状多单体逐渐形成分布不规则的多单体风暴系统。雷暴单体在反射率因子图上呈现出强回波中心超过60 dBz及其南侧高反射率因子梯度和中高层明显回波悬垂特征。造成下击暴流的雷暴单体的弓形回波特征明显,并伴有前侧入流缺口、后侧“V”型缺口及中层4—8 km高度强径向气流辐合(MARC)特征;而造成冰雹的雷暴单体的钩状回波特征十分明显,同时伴有较大垂直积分液态水含量(VIL)、较高回波顶高、强风暴顶辐散以及三体散射现象。


    Abstract: Based on the routine upper-air and surface observations, the observational data from regional automatic weather stations, satellite images, Doppler weather radar products, we have conducted analysis on the environmental field and radar echo characteristics of an extreme wind and hail event occurred in the northeast of Guizhou on 15 May 2021. The results indicate that (1) this event occurred under the environment of strong warm and humid instability, and it is triggered by the ground mesoscale convergence line at front of cold front. The transport of warm and wet airflow in the south of the shear in the low-level and the strong vertical wind shear are conducive to the continuance and enhancement of convective storm. (2) The great temperature lapse rate and convective available potential energy in the northeast of Guizhou, strong vertical wind shear and low level of free convection (LFC) provide favorable ambient conditions for the hail and thunderstorm gale. When the thunderstorm systems pass, wind speed increases rapidly, air pressure surges and temperature plummets in the weather stations affected by them. (3) The thunderstorm systems gradually form from the original liner multi-cells to the irregularly distributed multi-cell storm systems. The thunderstorm cells show the characteristics by strong echo center with reflectivity factor greater than 60 dBz, high reflectivity factor gradient in south side of the strong echo center and obvious echo overhanging in the mid-and upper-level in the radar reflectivity factor map. The thunderstorm cells that cause downburst are characterized by obvious bow-shaped echo, accompanied by other characteristics such as front inflow gap, rear V-shaped gap and MARC in 4-8 km height. The thunderstorm cells that cause hail are characterized by typical hook echo, accompanied by large VIL value, high echo top height, strong divergence in the top of storm and three-body scattering.


