Advance and Retreat Features of Subtropical High and Evolution of Convective System During Meiyu Period in 2007
摘要: 利用NCEP2.5°×2.5°再分析资料和FY-2C的空间分辨率为0.1°×0.1°、时间分辨率为1h的TBB资料,分析并描述2007年梅雨过程中西太平洋副热带高压进退过程以及在有利的大尺度背景场下副高北侧中小尺度对流系统的演变特征,并具体分析Abstract: Using the NCEP 2.5°×2.5° reanalysis data and the TBB data with spatial resolution which is 0.1°×0.1° and the time resolution which is 1 hour provided by FY-2C, the characteristics of the advance and retreat