黄慧君. 2010: 2008年夏季云南一次区域性强降水空报的诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 29(3): 86-90.
引用本文: 黄慧君. 2010: 2008年夏季云南一次区域性强降水空报的诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 29(3): 86-90.
Huang Hui-jun. 2010: Diagnostic Analysis for the False Forecast of a Regional Severe Precipitation in Yunnan Province in Summer 2008. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 29(3): 86-90.
Citation: Huang Hui-jun. 2010: Diagnostic Analysis for the False Forecast of a Regional Severe Precipitation in Yunnan Province in Summer 2008. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 29(3): 86-90.


Diagnostic Analysis for the False Forecast of a Regional Severe Precipitation in Yunnan Province in Summer 2008

  • 摘要: 使用常规气象资料与卫星云图资料,对2008年7月6日云南中西部区域性强降水空报进行诊断分析。结果表明,虽然西风槽、切变线、地面冷锋等天气系统配置以及有利的动力抬升条件支持预报强降水,但500 hPa青藏高原为高压脊控制,孟加拉湾


    Abstract: A diagnostic analysis of the false forecast of a regional severe precipitation in the mid-western Yunnan Province on 6 July 2008 is performed with the conventional observation data and satellite images.The result


