侯淑梅, 李灿, 王月兰, 亓翠云, 孙忠欣. 2009: 一次暴雨过程预报的多模式NWP产品与物理参数的综合分析应用. 暴雨灾害, 28(1): 38-44.
引用本文: 侯淑梅, 李灿, 王月兰, 亓翠云, 孙忠欣. 2009: 一次暴雨过程预报的多模式NWP产品与物理参数的综合分析应用. 暴雨灾害, 28(1): 38-44.
HOU Shu-mei, LI Can, WANG Yue-lan, QI Cui-yun, SUN Zhong-xin. 2009: Case Study on Application of Multi-NWP Model Outputs and Physical Parameters in the Heavy Rain Forecast. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 28(1): 38-44.
Citation: HOU Shu-mei, LI Can, WANG Yue-lan, QI Cui-yun, SUN Zhong-xin. 2009: Case Study on Application of Multi-NWP Model Outputs and Physical Parameters in the Heavy Rain Forecast. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 28(1): 38-44.


Case Study on Application of Multi-NWP Model Outputs and Physical Parameters in the Heavy Rain Forecast

  • 摘要: 对照常规天气图实况资料,检验几种常用NWP产品对2008年7月5日山东一次强降水过程的形势场预报和降水预报,并对其物理量场进行诊断分析。结果表明,暴雨落区与诸多物理量场的配置紧密相关;暴雨区出现在低层水汽辐合中心移动路径上,位


    Abstract: Compared with the routine observations,several kinds of NWP products related to the circulation situation and precipitation forecast of the rain process on July 5,2008 in Shandong province were tested with the ph


