陶恒锐, 周海申, 熊春晖, 王秋良. 2012: AREM 模式陆气通量对不同类型降水影响的数值模拟研究. 暴雨灾害, 31(2): 107-115.
引用本文: 陶恒锐, 周海申, 熊春晖, 王秋良. 2012: AREM 模式陆气通量对不同类型降水影响的数值模拟研究. 暴雨灾害, 31(2): 107-115.
Tao Hengrui, ZHOU Haishen, XIONG Chunhui, WANG Qiuliang. 2012: Numerical simulation study of surface fluxes effects on different types of precipitation based on AREM. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 31(2): 107-115.
Citation: Tao Hengrui, ZHOU Haishen, XIONG Chunhui, WANG Qiuliang. 2012: Numerical simulation study of surface fluxes effects on different types of precipitation based on AREM. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 31(2): 107-115.

AREM 模式陆气通量对不同类型降水影响的数值模拟研究

Numerical simulation study of surface fluxes effects on different types of precipitation based on AREM

  • 摘要: 以2003 年7 月3—4 日淮河流域系统性降水和2003 年8 月2—3 日江西等省的局地热对流性降水个例为例,利用AREM 模式进行数值模拟,分析了陆气通量对两种不同类型降水的影响。结果表明,陆气通量通过改变大气层结稳定度,影响大气中不稳定能量的聚集、释放,从而对这两次降水过程产生影响。由于水汽来源不同,陆气通量对两类降水的影响程度存在显著差异,对于水汽主要来源于地表蒸发的局地热对流性降水,陆气通量不仅使大气动力结构场显著改变,还使中高层大气水汽含量发生明显变化,导致降水发生时间、强度均发生显著改变;对于水汽主要来源于远程输送的系统性降水,陆气通量所引起的大气层结稳定度变化只对动力结构场产生一定影响,对中高层水汽含量影响微弱,对降


    Abstract: Taking the systemic precipitation process in Huaihe River basin during 3-4 July 2003 and the thermo-convective local precipitation process in Jiangxi during 2-3 August 2003 for example, the impacts of surface fluxes on two types of precipitation are studied by using numerical simulation based on AREM model. The analysis shows that the surface fluxes, by changing the stability of atmospheric stratification, affect the gathering and releasing of unstable energy in the atmosphere, thus influencing precipitation processes. Because of the different vapor sources, the different effects of the surface fluxes on two types of precipitation are remarkable. For the thermo-convective local precipitation which happened in Jiangxi province during 2-3 August 2003, the surface fluxes can influence not only the field of dynamic structure, but also the water vapor contents in the mid-and upper-level. In contrast the systemic precipitation which happened in Huaihe River basin during 3-4 July 2003 is relatively less influenced by surface fluxes. The surface fluxes only have a weak effect on the field of dynamic structure, but nearly no influences on the water vapor contents in the mid-and high-level.


