黄慧君, 钟爱华, 张健东. 2014: 多种探测资料在云南大理州强降水个例分析中的应用. 暴雨灾害, 33(1): 50.
引用本文: 黄慧君, 钟爱华, 张健东. 2014: 多种探测资料在云南大理州强降水个例分析中的应用. 暴雨灾害, 33(1): 50.
HUANG Huijun, ZHONG Aihua, ZHANG Ji. 2014: Analysis and application of various observational data in a heavy precipitation in Dali of Yunnan province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(1): 50.
Citation: HUANG Huijun, ZHONG Aihua, ZHANG Ji. 2014: Analysis and application of various observational data in a heavy precipitation in Dali of Yunnan province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(1): 50.


Analysis and application of various observational data in a heavy precipitation in Dali of Yunnan province

  • 摘要: 利用大理州新一代天气雷达(CINRAD/CC)、风廓线雷达、地面加密自动站和闪电定位仪等非常规探测资料,对2012 年7月27日夜间到28日白天发生在云南省大理州的一次强降水过程进行综合分析。结果表明:500 hPa倒槽和700 hPa低涡是本次过程的主要影响系统。强降水过程可分为三个阶段,形成阶段:主要为对流性降水,雨强较强,但以单点出现,持续时间短,全州大部地区伴随有雷电;维持阶段:雷电活动明显减弱,雷达回波以层状云降水回波为主,强度未超过35 dBz,雷达径向速度场存在暖平流叠加辐合风场的特征,形成与维持两个阶段均出现了逆风区,只是范围和持续时间不同,逆风区附近及所经区域降水明显;减弱阶段:回波范围减小,强度减弱。径向速度图上,雷达探测区内为上下一致的东北气流控制。EVAD方法计算得到的散度和垂直速度信息能很好的反映强降水的动力过程,对降水的增强和维持有较好的指示意义。从风廓线雷达产品分析看,负垂直速度与降水强度有密切的对应关系。信号噪声比对降水的起止、盛衰有较好的预示作用。垂直风廓线雷达上大于8 m·s-1的偏北气流向下扩展,可能存在动量下传,有利于降水强度的增大。


    Abstract: Unconventional observation data,such as data of the newly built Generation Weather Radar (the CINRAD/CC) in Dali, the wind profile radar, ground intensive automatically observation station and lightning position finder,are used to analyze the heavy precipitation event occurred from the night of 27 July to the day of 28 July 2012 in Dali, Yunnan Province. It is shown that the main impact factors to the event are the inverted trough in 500 hPa and low-pressure vortex in 700 hPa. The evolution of heavy precipitation event can be divided into three stages. In the formation stage, precipitation mainly appears as convective precipitation; rainfall intensity is strong, but precipitation cells are isolated and short lived. Thunder and lightning are observed in most of the Dali area. In the maintenance phase, lightning activity significantly reduced, and radar echo is dominated by stratiform cloud precipitation echo, which does not exceed 35 dBz. In the maintenance phase, the characteristics of radar radial velocity field are the superposition of warm advection and convergence wind field. Counter-wind zone appears both in the formation and maintenance stages with the differences in coverage and duration. Precipitation is significant nearby and along the path of the Counter-wind zone. In the dissipating stage, echo coverage decreases, and its intensity weakens. From the radial velocity, it is seen that the northeast airflow controls entire layer in radar detectable area. Divergence and vertical velocity calculated by EVAD can well reflect the dynamic process of the heavy precipitation, these are good indications to the precipitation enhancement and maintenance. These is a close relationship between negative vertical velocity and precipitation intensity from analysis of the wind profiler radar products. The signal to noise ratio can well indicate the beginning and the end of precipitation, and to its increase or decrease in intensity. The precipitation increase was closely related to the momentum transportation downward caused by greater than 8 m·s-1 northerly air-stream.


