

The Analysis of New Assessment Method Based on Region Tracking for ArtificialPrecipitation Enhancement

  • 摘要: 在高炮催化区跟踪算法基础上,探究了选取等面积同心圆环作为对比区进行人影作业效果物理评估新方案,并给出了该方案适应性判断指标。选取垂直液态含水量和面雨量作为方案检验因子,分析了不同自然降水过程中,不同时间段“催化区”和“对比区”平均物理量的双比值和相对偏差等参量的变化;并以相似离散度为指标,分析该方法的适用范围,分析何种条件下自然降水的“催化区”和“对比区”变化比较一致且小于增雨效果。实验表明:不同自然降水过程中,“催化区”和“对比区”30 min平均垂直液态含水量变化以及3 h平均相对增雨均小于增雨效果,新方案可用于人工增雨效果分析。后提出将综合相似离散度作为判据,当其值大于0.2时,则不采用该方案,判据的增加明显改善了新方案评估效果。


    Abstract: Based on the method of tracking the seeding coverage in artificial precipitation enhancement by antiaircraft guns, this paper presented ideas of selecting the equal-area concentric rings around the seeding coverage as the contrast area, raising the new physical assessment for artificial precipitation enhancement and giving adaptive judgment index. Calculated the gap of every physical quantities between " the seeding coverage " and "the contrast area" by double ratio and relative deviation and so on during different durations in different type of natural precipitations with selecting vertical integrated liquid water (VIL) and the area precipitation as test factors; Showed the scope of the new assessment and the specific situations in which the gap of every physical quantities between " the seeding coverage " and "the contrast area" were same as or less than that in artificial precipitation enhancement with considering similar dispersion as indicator .The results showed that in different type of natural precipitations ,the average gap of vertical integrated liquid water in 30 minutes and the area precipitation in 3 hours between " the seeding coverage" and "the contrast area" were less than that in artificial precipitation enhancement. At the end of the article a concept of compensation coefficient of comprehensive similar dispersion was presented, which was perceived as a criterion of the new assessment to decide the new assessment would be adopted when its value was less than 0.2. Obviously, the addition of criterion greatly improved the the effective evaluation.


