周长春, 吴蓬萍, 周秋雪. 2015: 一次复杂地形暖区强降水的特征及触发机制分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 27-33.
引用本文: 周长春, 吴蓬萍, 周秋雪. 2015: 一次复杂地形暖区强降水的特征及触发机制分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 27-33.
ZHOU Changchun, WU Pengping, ZHOU Qiuxue. 2015: Analysis of the characteristics and trigger mechanism of the warm-sector heavy precipitation over complex terrain. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 27-33.
Citation: ZHOU Changchun, WU Pengping, ZHOU Qiuxue. 2015: Analysis of the characteristics and trigger mechanism of the warm-sector heavy precipitation over complex terrain. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 27-33.


Analysis of the characteristics and trigger mechanism of the warm-sector heavy precipitation over complex terrain

  • 摘要: 利用常规观测资料、地面自动站降水资料、FY-2E云顶亮温资料及NCEP 1°×1°逐6 h再分析资料,对2012年8月16日20时—18日08时副高边缘复杂地形暖区强降水过程的环流背景、环境条件、中尺度特征及其触发机制进行分析。结果表明:暖区强降水发生在四川盆地与青藏高原东坡的过渡带上,呈狭长带状,小时降水中心与MCS云团TBB梯度大值区对应较好。在南海台风西行及副高位置稳定的环流背景下,稳定的副高和近地层热低压阻止了西风带低值系统和地面冷空气影响龙门山地区,使大气高能高湿状态得以维持。同时冷、暖平流在龙门山上空交汇,使得大气层结不稳定性增强。龙门山对台风“启德”东北侧东南气流的强迫抬升最终触发暖区强降水。


    Abstract: To investigate the mesoscale characteristics and trigger mechanism of one warm-zone torrential precipitation (WZTP) over complex terrain from 16 to 18 August 2012, the conventional observation data, precipitation data of automatic weather stations, TBB data of FY-2E and NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data are synthesized and analyzed. The results show that the WZTP happened in the transitional zone between Eastern slope of Tibet Plateau and Sichuan Basin, and distributed zonally as a belt. Maximum hourly precipitation was loacaled at the area where TBB gradient of MCS increased efficiently. The circulation situation of the WZTP are contributed mainly by the typhoon moving westward in the South China Sea and the steadying Subtropical High. Then, the Subtropical High and warm low-pressure near the surface could prevent the westerlies trough and cold air moving across the Longmen Mountain. As a result, the unstable stratification with high energy and temperature over precipitation region can maintain for a longtime. Furthermore, the convergence of the cold and temperature advection over Longmen Mountain increased the instability of unstable stratification. At last, the torrential precipitation are triggered by the orography dynamic lifted by Longmen Mountain.


