刘裕禄, 邱学兴, 黄勇. 2015: 发生短时强降雨的对流云合并作用分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 47.
引用本文: 刘裕禄, 邱学兴, 黄勇. 2015: 发生短时强降雨的对流云合并作用分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 47.
LIU Yulu, QIU Xuexing, HUANG Yong. 2015: Analysis of the merger of convective clouds in short-time strong rainfall event. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 47.
Citation: LIU Yulu, QIU Xuexing, HUANG Yong. 2015: Analysis of the merger of convective clouds in short-time strong rainfall event. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 47.


Analysis of the merger of convective clouds in short-time strong rainfall event

  • 摘要: 利用静止气象卫星、新一代多普勒天气雷达、地面、wrf数值模拟和LAPS再分析资料,对2013 年6 月30 日皖南山区一次短时强降雨过程中的对流云合并现象进行了观测和分析。综合观测显示,这是一次由三个强弱不同的对流云先后发生合并的过程;强弱不同或强度相当的两对流云合并后的新对流云系统短时间内强度是增强的。分析认为,山区夏季对流云合并发生在水平垂直风切变及垂直涡度增大的湿斜压不稳定增强的环境中;对流云合并过程中伴有中气旋、地形涡等中γ系统形成,中气旋与地形涡系统内的强烈垂直运动导致低层形成辐合的垂直环流是山区短时强降雨触发机制。


    Abstract: With the geostationary meteorological satellite, a new Doppler weather radar, ground, WRF numerical simulation and LAPS reanalysis data, we analyze a short-time strong rainfall convective cloud merger case on 30 June 2013 in the mountain area in south of Anhui. Multi-observation shows, this is a merging process of three different occurred successively; the strength of the new convective system from the merger of the two convective clouds is enhancing in a short time.According to the analysis , in the mountain area, summer merger of convective clouds occurred in the environment where the horizontal and vertical wind shear and vertical vorticity are increasing and the wet baroclinic is enhancing instably; the merging process of convective clouds is accompanied with mesoscaleγ system such as cyclone, topographic eddy. strong vertical motion within the cyclone and topographic eddy system leads to low layer convergence,which is the triggering mechanism is a of short-time strong rainfall in mountainous areas.


