陈雷, 戴建华, 汪雅. 2015: 近10 a长三角地区雷暴天气统计分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 80.
引用本文: 陈雷, 戴建华, 汪雅. 2015: 近10 a长三角地区雷暴天气统计分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 80.
CHEN Lei, DAI Jianhua, WANG Ya. 2015: Analysis of thunderstorm weather in the Yangtze River Delta Region in recent 10 years. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 80.
Citation: CHEN Lei, DAI Jianhua, WANG Ya. 2015: Analysis of thunderstorm weather in the Yangtze River Delta Region in recent 10 years. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 80.

近10 a长三角地区雷暴天气统计分析

Analysis of thunderstorm weather in the Yangtze River Delta Region in recent 10 years

  • 摘要: 利用雷达、卫星、闪电定位、探空等资料,对长江三角洲地区2004—2013 年的雷暴天气个例进行统计分析,得到该地区雷暴天气的时空分布特征,同时从天气学角度将这些雷暴天气个例大体划分为五种类型:槽前型、副高边缘型、冷涡(槽后)型、副高热对流型、东风波型(包括台风外围影响),并给出其典型中尺度分析综合图。通过对雷暴天气发生前后气层中的、、、wv等物理量的变化情况进行统计分析,发现多数雷暴天气发生前均伴随较高的层结不稳定度,即高指数、低指数、高值和高wv值,且6—9月雷暴发生前长三角地区大气不稳定层结明显强于10月至次年5月。


    Abstract: Using radar image data, satellite data, lightning positioning data and sounding data, the cases of thunderstorm weather happened in the Yangtze River Delta Region during the year 2004 to 2013 were statistically analyzed and the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of thunderstorm weather in this area were worked out. Then the paper divided these thunderstorm cases into five types: in front of trough, subtropical high edge, behind trough, thermal convection under subtropical high and easterly wave. Also, the paper gave the typical mesoscale analysis maps of the above five types of thunderstorm weather. Last, variation of the K index, Si index, CAPE and Pwv value before and after the occurring of these thunderstorm processes were discussed. It was found that before the occurring of thunderstorm, most cases had strong layer stratification instability, that was high K index value, low Si index value, high CAPE and Pwv value. And the layer stratification instability before the occurring of thunderstorm was much stronger from June to September than from October to May in the Yangtze River Delta Region.


