廖移山, 汪小康, 邓雯, 闵爱荣, 何立富. 2015: 2014 年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程简述. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 88.
引用本文: 廖移山, 汪小康, 邓雯, 闵爱荣, 何立富. 2015: 2014 年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程简述. 暴雨灾害, 34(1): 88.
LIAO Yishan, WANG Xiaokang, DENG Wen, MIN Airong, HE Lifu. 2015: Important heavy rain events in China from April to October in 2014. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 88.
Citation: LIAO Yishan, WANG Xiaokang, DENG Wen, MIN Airong, HE Lifu. 2015: Important heavy rain events in China from April to October in 2014. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(1): 88.

2014 年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程简述

Important heavy rain events in China from April to October in 2014

  • 摘要: 利用日降水资料(08—08 时)和常规天气图资料,以1981—2010 年30 a平均降水量为气候态,统计2014 年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程,概述各主要暴雨过程的重要影响系统、出现时段、范围及累积降水量。结果表明: 2014年4—10月我国共出现194个暴雨日,32次主要暴雨过程。5—9月为我国主汛期,国内每天基本上都有暴雨发生,主要暴雨过程也基本上集中在这5 个月。2014年共有5个台风登陆我国,数量偏少但强度偏大,1409号超强台风“威马逊(Rammasun)”造成海南昌江578 mm的当年全国最大日降水量。2014年华南前汛期开始早、雨量多,5月暴雨日数和主要暴雨过程次数均高于近6年平均,广东东南部较常年同期降水量偏多1~2倍,暴雨过程频发,深圳遭遇2008年以来最强暴雨。9月8—18日,四川盆地东北部、陕西中南部、河南等地共有百余站出现极端连续降水日数和连续降水量事件。


    Abstract: Based on daily precipitation data and operational synoptic charts, important heavy rain events in China occurred from April to October in 2014 were selected by comparing them to the 30-year mean precipitation during 1981-2010. A survey of the synoptic condition,rainfall duration, rainfall area and accumulative amount of precipitation of these events is presented. The results indicate that there were 194 heavy rain days and 32 important heavy rain events during the study period.The main flood season in China persists from May to September.During this period, rainstorms occur almost every day. So, important heavy rain events are mainly concentrated in the main flood season. In 2014, there were five typhoons made landfall in China, which is smaller in number but bigger in strength than historical annual averages.No.1409 super typhoon "Rammasun" caused the largest daily precipitation (578mm) in Hainan Changjiang during 2014.In 2014, the latespring to early-summer flood rain in south China started early with more precipitation. The number of heavy rain days and heavy rain events during May were both higher than the average value of the past six years.The precipitation in southeastern Guangdong was over twice historical averages value. Frequent heavy rains caused severe floods, such as the strongest storm since 2008 was suffered in Shenzhen.During September 8-18, 2014, continuous and extreme precipitation events occurred over more than one hundred stations in northeastern Sichuan Basin, central and southern Shaanxi, Henan.


