王晓芳, 徐明, 王婧羽, 彭涛, 汪小康. 2015: 2015 年6 月1—2 日长江流域灾害性天气灾情、汛情和雨情特征. 暴雨灾害, 34(2): 177-183.
引用本文: 王晓芳, 徐明, 王婧羽, 彭涛, 汪小康. 2015: 2015 年6 月1—2 日长江流域灾害性天气灾情、汛情和雨情特征. 暴雨灾害, 34(2): 177-183.
WANG Xiaofang, XU Ming, WANG Jingyu, PENG Tao, WANG Xiaokang. 2015: Disaster, flood and rainfall characteristics of the severe weather during 1-2 June 2015 overthe Yangtze River Basin. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(2): 177-183.
Citation: WANG Xiaofang, XU Ming, WANG Jingyu, PENG Tao, WANG Xiaokang. 2015: Disaster, flood and rainfall characteristics of the severe weather during 1-2 June 2015 overthe Yangtze River Basin. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(2): 177-183.

2015 年6 月1—2 日长江流域灾害性天气灾情、汛情和雨情特征

Disaster, flood and rainfall characteristics of the severe weather during 1-2 June 2015 overthe Yangtze River Basin

  • 摘要: 2015 年6 月1—2 日灾害性天气使长江流域沿江省份出现严重灾情,众多水库超限,甚至开闸泄洪,长江支流水位上升。6 月1—2 日长江流域出现了多个强降水雨团,雨团大多数自西向东移动,有少数雨团停滞在局地发展加强;影响湖北南部地区强降水的致灾雨团为一个,强降水集中,降水强度大,突发性明显。仅有一个中尺度对流系统(MCS)造成湖北南部地区强降水天气的发生,该对流系统生命史10.5 h,对流系统中对流发展极其强盛,回波顶高超过18 km,大于40 dBz 的强回波达到10 km高度,这在长江流域强降水事件中较少见到。


    Abstract: The severe weather in 1-2 June 2015 over several provinces along the Yangtze River caused serious disaster. Some reservoirs released water through the floodgates with the maximum limited water levels of many reservoirs and continuous rising of the Yangtze water level.There are many MCSs with heavy rainstorms occurred over Yangtze River Basin during 1-2 June. Most of them moved eastwards. Some quasistationary ones strengthened, developed and caused concentrative, intensive and sudden torrential rainfall such as the one over southern Hubei. This MCS lasted 10.5 hours and its convection developed extremely strong. According to the observation from Doppler radar, the echo top of this MCS raised higher than 18 km and the reflectivity larger than 40 dBz also raised to 10 km that showed uncommonly in the heavy precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin.


