刘羽, 陈超君, 许建玉. 2015: 中尺度模式边界层方案对华中区域降水预报的对比试验. 暴雨灾害, 34(3): 230.
引用本文: 刘羽, 陈超君, 许建玉. 2015: 中尺度模式边界层方案对华中区域降水预报的对比试验. 暴雨灾害, 34(3): 230.
LIU Yu, CHEN Chaojun, XU Jianyu. 2015: Comparison of precipitation forecast in central China with differentboundary layer parameterizations. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(3): 230.
Citation: LIU Yu, CHEN Chaojun, XU Jianyu. 2015: Comparison of precipitation forecast in central China with differentboundary layer parameterizations. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(3): 230.


Comparison of precipitation forecast in central China with differentboundary layer parameterizations

  • 摘要: 选用华中区域中尺度模式中的ACM2、YSU、MYJ 三种边界层参数化方案,对2012 年5—7 月进行降水模拟检验。通过比较三种方案模拟降水的总量分布,表明三种方案能够体现出累积降水的整体分布特征,但存在细节差异,降水TS评分(Ts)和BS偏差(Bs)统计显示ACM2 的预报性能优于YSU 方案和MYJ 方案。大气温湿结构则体现了MYJ 方案湍流输送较弱的特点,ACM2 和YSU 方案因使用非局地闭合理论,模拟结果相近。此外对一次西南低涡暴雨过程进行了分析,结果表明:ACM2 方案对低涡移动路径、强度及造成的降水量的总体模拟效果最好。


    Abstract: By using three different PBL schemes (YSU, ACM2, MYJ) in numerical prediction system in central China, the precipitation forecast from May to July in 2012 is analyzed. Comparisons of the distribution of total rainfall indicate that all three PBL schemes can result in the overall characteristics of precipitation distribution, but exhibiting differences in detail. The TS scores and Biases scores show that the ACM2 are better than YSU and MYJ. The atmospheric temperature and moisture structures reflect a weak turbulent mixing in the MYJ, and results of the ACM2 and YSU are similar because they use nonlocal closure theory. A southwest vortex is tested, where ACM2 performs the best in precipitation, track and intensity of the southwest vortex.


