黄俊杰, 周悦, 阮羚. 2015: 湖北省地形因子对电线覆冰的影响研究. 暴雨灾害, 34(3): 254.
引用本文: 黄俊杰, 周悦, 阮羚. 2015: 湖北省地形因子对电线覆冰的影响研究. 暴雨灾害, 34(3): 254.
HUANG Junjie, ZHOU Yue, RUAN Ling. 2015: The influence of topographic factors on wire icing in Hubei province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(3): 254.
Citation: HUANG Junjie, ZHOU Yue, RUAN Ling. 2015: The influence of topographic factors on wire icing in Hubei province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(3): 254.


The influence of topographic factors on wire icing in Hubei province

  • 摘要: 利用1960—2011 年湖北省81 个气象站气象观测资料和湖北省2004—2012 年220~500 kV 高压输电线路覆冰事故资料以及海拔高度、坡度、坡向等9 类地形数据信息资料,给出风口、突出山体、迎风坡和背风坡4 种特殊地形的判断指标,分析特殊地形因子对电线覆冰的影响,并对湖北省冰区分布图进行地形订正。结果表明: 风口判断指标为冬季(当年12 月至翌年2 月)日均风速大于8 m?s-1的日数超过1.56 d?a-1,迎风坡判断指标为坡向0°~45°或315°~360°且坡度大于10°,背风坡判断指标为坡向135°~225°且坡度大于10°,突出山体判断指标为起伏度大于200 m 且海拔高度大于起伏度;4 种特殊地形下冰厚订正系数分别为1.75、1.62、0.68 和1.82;风口处影响覆冰的主导气象因子为风速,迎风坡处影响覆冰的主导气象因子为降水量,突出山体处影响覆冰的主导气象因子为液水含量,气温对3 种特殊地形下的冰厚变化均有显著影响;经过地形订正后的冰区图,能更好地反映鄂西南山区、鄂北中部和西部等地受特殊地形影响而出现的较严重覆冰区。


    Abstract: Based on the meteorological observations at 81 stations from 1960 to 2011, the icing accidents occurred along the 220-500 Kv high voltage AC transmission lines from 2004 to 2012 and the 9 kinds of geographic data such as altitude, slope, aspect and so on over Hubei province, we have put forward the icing criteria for wind gap, prominent mountain, windward slope, and leeward slope, analyzed the influence of topographic factors to ice accretion, and made a topographic correction to division of wire icing area in Hubei. Results are as follows. The criteria for wind gap is that the day numbers of daily mean wind speed of greater than 8 m?s-1 exceed 1.56 d?a-1 in winter (from December to February). For the aspect of windward slope it is 0°-45° or 315°-360° and with slope of larger than 10°, while for the aspect of leeward slope it is 135°-225°, with slope of larger than 10°, too. For prominent mountain it is that the topographic undulation is larger than 200 m and with an altitude of greater than undulation. Topographic-correction coefficients of wind gap, windward slope, leeward slope, and prominent mountain are 1.75, 1.62, 0.68, and 1.82, respectively. Leading meteorological factors of affecting icing process are wind speed at the meteorological stations located at wind gap, precipitation at the meteorological stations located at windward slope, and liquid water content at the meteorological stations located at prominent mountain. Air temperature is the most important meteorological factor in all of these three special topographies. The division map of wire icing area in Hubei after the topographic correction can better show the serious icing places in the southwest, central, and west areas of Hubei province affected greatly by special topographies.


