武麦凤, 曹玲玲, 马耀荣, 吉庆, 吴阳军. 2015: 西北涡与登陆台风相互作用个例的诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(4): 309-315.
引用本文: 武麦凤, 曹玲玲, 马耀荣, 吉庆, 吴阳军. 2015: 西北涡与登陆台风相互作用个例的诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(4): 309-315.
WU Maifeng, CAO Lingling, MA Yaorong, JI Qing, WU Yangjun. 2015: Diagnostic analysis of a case on interaction between landed typhoon and Northwest China vortex. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(4): 309-315.
Citation: WU Maifeng, CAO Lingling, MA Yaorong, JI Qing, WU Yangjun. 2015: Diagnostic analysis of a case on interaction between landed typhoon and Northwest China vortex. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(4): 309-315.


Diagnostic analysis of a case on interaction between landed typhoon and Northwest China vortex

  • 摘要: 利用常规高空、地面观测资料以及每日4 次的1°×1° NCEP/NCAR 再分析全球格点资料,以2010 年7 月23 日发生在陕西、甘肃东部以及陕西南部与四川交界地区一次区域性大暴雨过程为例,对远距离台风与西北涡相互作用对西北涡发展和暴雨发生的影响及其原因进行了诊断分析。结果表明: (1) 远距离台风和西北涡相互作用,改变了西北涡的斜压结构、温湿结构和动量结构,也增强了西北涡附近对流不稳定程度和动力抬升作用;(2) 西北涡中心强度及其附近环境场的改善对暴雨的发生和发展起到正反馈作用,即延长了由台风和西太平洋副热带高压建立起来的水汽通道,增强了暴雨区低层的动力抬升,这在一定程度上增大了暴雨强度和暴雨范围;(3) 西北涡和台风远距离相互作用与低空急流的建立是同时的,这对大范围短时强降水的发生位置与强度变化具有一定的指示意义。


    Abstract: Based on conventional surface and upper data and NCEP/NCAR 6-hourly reanalysis with 1°×1° resolution, taking a regional rainstorm event which occurred in eastern Shaanxi, eastern Gansu and the junction of southern Shaanxi and Sichuan on 23 July 2010 as an example,we make a diagnostic analysis of the interaction between a remote landed typhoon and Northwest China vortex and its influence on the development of Northwest China vortex and rainstorms. The results indicate that (1) the interaction between remote landed typhoon and Northwest China vortex changes the baroclinic, temperature-humidity and momentum structure of Northwest China vortex, and strengthens convective instability and dynamic uplift effect near the Northwest China vortex. (2) Theimprovement of center intensity of Northwest China vortex and the ambient field in its surrounding areas has a positive feedback on the originating and strengthening of rainstorm. Namely, it extends the water-vapor transportation established by typhoon and subtropical high over the West Pacific, and strengths the dynamic uplift in the low-level over rainstorm area, which results in increasing the area and intensity of rainstorm. (3) While the interaction between remote landed typhoon and Northwest China vortex occurs, the low level jet is established, which have a certain indicative significance to the position and intensityof the broad-scale but short-term severe precipitation.


