朱星球, 王咏青, 许爱华, 陈翔翔. 2016: 东风波对江西强对流天气环境条件的影响分析. 暴雨灾害, 35(3): 210-219. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.03.003
引用本文: 朱星球, 王咏青, 许爱华, 陈翔翔. 2016: 东风波对江西强对流天气环境条件的影响分析. 暴雨灾害, 35(3): 210-219. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.03.003
ZHU Xingqiu, WANG Yongqing, XU Aihua, CHEN Xiangxiang. 2016: Analysis of the effect of the easterly wave on the environmental condition of convection in Jiangxi province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 35(3): 210-219. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.03.003
Citation: ZHU Xingqiu, WANG Yongqing, XU Aihua, CHEN Xiangxiang. 2016: Analysis of the effect of the easterly wave on the environmental condition of convection in Jiangxi province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 35(3): 210-219. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.03.003


Analysis of the effect of the easterly wave on the environmental condition of convection in Jiangxi province

  • 摘要: 基于1999—2011年7—9月影响江西的14次东风波过程,统计了东风波的类型及结构特征,利用探空和NCEP再分析资料分析了三种类型东风波对垂直运动、温湿场和稳定度的影响。结果表明:深厚东风波槽前带来弱的上升运动,高层东风波的上升运动位于500 hPa以上,槽前强对流均在午后发展;大范围强对流对应200 hPa上鞍型场中的辐散区。中低层东风波和深厚东风波的槽后带来大尺度上升运动,低层东南气流辐合触发对流;大范围强对流对应200 hPa上南亚高压东侧的辐散区。东风波提供了对流发展的有利环境条件,盛夏大气低层常高温高湿,随着东风波的西移,带来中高层冷扰动以及中低层水汽含量增加,增强了对流不稳定。深厚东风波和高层东风波的槽前、中低层东风波的槽后中层冷扰动区对应低层暖湿区是有利雷暴与强对流发展的区域。高层东风波的冷扰动最明显,其850 hPa与500 hPa温度差多在26℃以上,出现8级以上雷雨大风的概率较高;中低层东风波的冷扰动一般较弱,强对流以短时强降雨为主。


    Abstract: Based on 14 samples of the weather events affected by the easterly wave occurred in Jiangxi province, the structure of the easterly wave were analyzed. The effect of the easterly wave on the ascending motion, temperature field, specific humidity field and stability were stud- ied based on upper air sounding and NCEP reanalysis data. Results show that there are ascending motion in the front of the high-level easter-ly wave above 500 hPa and weak ascending motion in the front of the deep easterly wave. Convection in front of the trough occurred in the afternoon. Convection in large-area occurred in the divergence of saddle field on 200 hPa. The thunderstorm is caused by the convergence of southeast flow in the back of the middle and low-level easterly wave and the deep easterly wave. Large-area convection occurs in the divergence that is in the south of South Asia High. The easterly wave provides the favorable environment condition for convection. In summer, the lower atmosphere is high in temperature and humidity. With the easterly wave moving forward west, there are cold disturbances in the middle- and upper atmosphere and increased specific humidity disturbances in the lower atmosphere. The places favorable for convective development are in the front of the high-level easterly wave and the deep easterly wave, and behind of the middle and low-level easterly wave and the deep easterly wave. The high-level easterly wave has the biggest cold disturbance and higher probability of Thunder Wind. The middle- and low-level easterly wave has weak cold disturbance and the type of the convection is mainly short-time strong rainfall.


