顾宇丹. 2016: 上海城市人口密集区强降水积水阈值研究. 暴雨灾害, 35(6): 590-595. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.06.012
引用本文: 顾宇丹. 2016: 上海城市人口密集区强降水积水阈值研究. 暴雨灾害, 35(6): 590-595. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.06.012
Gu Yudan. 2016: Study on the waterlogging threshold of heavy precipitation in the densely populated areas of Shanghai. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 35(6): 590-595. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.06.012
Citation: Gu Yudan. 2016: Study on the waterlogging threshold of heavy precipitation in the densely populated areas of Shanghai. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 35(6): 590-595. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2016.06.012


Study on the waterlogging threshold of heavy precipitation in the densely populated areas of Shanghai

  • 摘要: 基于2012-2015年期间上海市多次明显强降水过程的逐时110积水报警数据(积水灾情)和气象站降水量数据, 分析降水和积水灾情两者之间的关系和时空动态变化, 建立了上海城市人口密集区强降水积水的阈值指标。结果表明:上海中心城区强降水积水的起始阈值为1 h降水量30 mm, 当中心城区1 h降水量在70 mm以上时, 积水会显著增多。上海区县人口密集居住区强降水的起始阈值为1 h降水量35 mm。降水积水的严重程度不仅与降水强度相关, 也与累积降水量和降水持续时间的长短有关。当2 h累积降水达到40 mm以上时, 也有积水灾情。积水灾情相对于降水有1-2 h左右的滞后期。


    Abstract: Based on hourly waterlogging disasters and hourly rain data from weather stations in dozens of obvious heavy rain events in Shanghai during 2012-2015, the temporal and spatial dynamic evolution relationships between precipitation and the number of waterlogging disasters were analyzed, and waterlogging threshold indicators were established in densely populated areas of Shanghai.Results indicate that the waterlogging threshold is 30 mm per hour in urban district of Shanghai.Waterlogging disasters will increase significantly when the rain intensity reaches 70 mm per hour or more.The waterlogging threshold is 35 mm per hour in other counties of Shanghai.The severity of waterlogging is not only related to the rain intensity, but also associated with the cumulated precipitation and the precipitation duration.When accumulated precipitation reached more than 40 mm in two hours, waterlogging disaster will occur.Waterlogging disaser has a lag of about 1-2 hours relative to the occurrence of heavy precipitation.


