孙继松. 2017: 短时强降水和暴雨的区别与联系. 暴雨灾害, 36(6): 498-506. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.002
引用本文: 孙继松. 2017: 短时强降水和暴雨的区别与联系. 暴雨灾害, 36(6): 498-506. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.002
SUN Jisong. 2017: Differences and relationship between flash heavy rain and heavy rainfall. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 36(6): 498-506. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.002
Citation: SUN Jisong. 2017: Differences and relationship between flash heavy rain and heavy rainfall. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 36(6): 498-506. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.002


Differences and relationship between flash heavy rain and heavy rainfall

  • 摘要: 从物理机制、预报技术方法等方面,讨论了短时强降水和暴雨的异同。主要结论包括: (1)充沛的大气可降水量是形成暴雨或极端短时强降水的必要条件,但对于非对流大尺度降水(层状云)过程,对流层低层的净水汽平流量或水汽通量辐合的强度是判断降水强度的核心因子,这也是大范围暴雨预报分析过程中的关键因素;对于中尺度层云降水过程,水汽垂直输送量和气柱内水汽的净平流量则同等重要;对于对流过程,如果不考虑蒸发过程,瞬时降水强度主要决定于水汽垂直递减率(而非整层大气可降水量)和低层大气对流有效位能(CAPE)而不是整层大气的CAPE。(2)降水强度与实际有效凝结率(形成地面有效降水)关系密切,而有效凝结率与云的形态结构特征直接联系;从另一角度看,对流云的形态特征由大气层结状态和环境风垂直切变决定。(3)对于天气尺度系统造成的大范围稳定性降水过程,降水的持续时间取决于天气系统的移动速度,更确切地说,是降水区域上空水汽辐合维持时间的长短;对于对流降水过程,降水持续时间则取决于对流系统的尺度、移动速度和传播特征。


    Abstract: In this paper, the similarities and differences between flash heavy rain and heavy rainfall are discussed from the aspects of physical mechanisms and prediction techniques. The main results are as follow. (1) Abundant precipitable water vapor is a necessary condition to form heavy rainfall or extremely flash heavy rain. For non-convective large-scale precipitation or stratiform cloud precipitation events, the intensity of net water vapor advection or water vapor flux convergence in the lower troposphere is the core factor to judge the precipitation intensity, which is also the key factor in the analysis and forecast of large-scale rainstorm. For mesoscale stratiform cloud precipitation events, the vertical transport volume of water vapor and the net advection of water vapor in air columns are equally important. For the convective events, if the evaporation is not considered, the intensity of instantaneous precipitation is mainly determined by the vertical decline rate of water vapor (not the whole atmospheric precipitable water) and the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) in the low-level rather than CAPE of the whole atmosphere. (2) The precipitation intensity is closely related to the effective condensation rate that forms effective precipitation at the ground, and which is directly related to the shape structure of cloud. From another point of view, the shape characteristics of convective clouds are determined by the atmospheric stratification and the vertical shear of ambient wind. (3) For the large-scale stable precipitation caused by synoptic scale systems, the duration of precipitation depends on the moving speed of the weather system, or more precisely, that of water vapor convergence over the precipitation area. For the convective precipitation events, the duration of precipitation depends on the scale, moving speed and propagation characteristics of the convective systems.


