曾金全, 朱彪, 曾颖婷, 林彬彬, 张烨方. 2017: 福建省多回击闪电特征参数的统计分析. 暴雨灾害, 36(6): 573-578. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.011
引用本文: 曾金全, 朱彪, 曾颖婷, 林彬彬, 张烨方. 2017: 福建省多回击闪电特征参数的统计分析. 暴雨灾害, 36(6): 573-578. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.011
ZENG Jinquan, ZHU Biao, ZENG Yingtin, LIN Binbin, ZHANG Yefang. 2017: Statistical analysis of characteristic parameters for multi-return stroke of cloud-to-ground lightning in Fujian. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 36(6): 573-578. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.011
Citation: ZENG Jinquan, ZHU Biao, ZENG Yingtin, LIN Binbin, ZHANG Yefang. 2017: Statistical analysis of characteristic parameters for multi-return stroke of cloud-to-ground lightning in Fujian. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 36(6): 573-578. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2017.06.011


Statistical analysis of characteristic parameters for multi-return stroke of cloud-to-ground lightning in Fujian

  • 摘要: 选取福建省2013—2015年ADTD闪电定位资料,根据多回击闪电特征,借鉴多回击闪电判别指标,对闪电资料进行回击归并处理,重点统计分析同期福建多回击闪电的分布规律与特征参数。结果表明:福建省多回击闪电占比为30.58%,平均回击次数为1.49次,其中正、负极性闪电平均回击数为1.02次和1.52次,负极性多回击最多包含12次回击,而正极性多回击最多包含4次回击;正极性多回击闪电的首次回击和继后回击的平均电流强度分别为45.03 kA和26.81 kA,最大电流强度分别为163.13 kA和149.21 kA,负极性多回击闪电的首次回击和继后回击的平均电流强度分别为-11.52 kA和-9.23 kA,最大电流强度分别为-103.71 kA和-96.12 kA,首次回击的电流强度多数大于继后回击的电流强度;回击间隔时间呈准正态分布,其中间隔时间为60~90 ms的回击次数最多,其算术平均值为135.36 ms;正、负多回击次数的日峰值分别出现在17时和16时,5—9月为多回击闪电的高发期。


    Abstract: Based on the ADTD lightning locating data in Fujian province from 2013 to 2015 and according to the characteristics of multi-return stroke of cloud-to-ground lightning (referred to as multiple strokes lightning), we have consulted a distinguishing index for multiple strokes lightning, and performed the analysis of the distribution pattern and characteristic parameters of multiple strokes lightning in Fujian. The results show that the frequency of multiple strokes lightning accounts for 30.58% of the total frequency in Fujian. Average stroke number is 1.49, in which the average positive and negative lightning stroke numbers are 1.02 and 1.52. Negative and positive lightning stroke numbers are 12 and 4, respectively. The average current intensity of the first and follow-up strokes for positive multiple strokes lightning are 45.03 kA and 26.81 kA, and their maximum values can reach 163.13 kA and 149.21 kA, respectively. Those for negative multiple strokes lightning are -11.52 kA and -9.23 kA, and their maximum values can reach -103.71 kA and -96.12 kA, respectively. It has been found that the first strokes mostly produce greater current intensity than follow-up strokes. The interval of strokes lightning is quasi normal distribution, in which strokes frequency is the most when time interval is from 60 ms to 90 ms, and its arithmetic mean is 135.36 ms. The daily peaks of positive and negative multiple strokes lightning frequency appear at 17 p.m. and 16 p.m., respectively. Multiple strokes lightning occur frequently between May and September in Fujian.


