李国平, 陈佳. 2018: 西南涡及其暴雨研究新进展. 暴雨灾害, 37(4): 293-302. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.04.001
引用本文: 李国平, 陈佳. 2018: 西南涡及其暴雨研究新进展. 暴雨灾害, 37(4): 293-302. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.04.001
LI Guoping, CHEN Jia. 2018: New progresses in the research of heavy rain vortices formed over the southwest China. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 37(4): 293-302. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.04.001
Citation: LI Guoping, CHEN Jia. 2018: New progresses in the research of heavy rain vortices formed over the southwest China. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 37(4): 293-302. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2018.04.001


New progresses in the research of heavy rain vortices formed over the southwest China

  • 摘要: 西南涡是我国最强的暴雨系统之一,它所造成的暴雨的强度、频数和范围仅次于台风及其残余低压,可造成我国西南乃至东部广大地区灾害性天气。本文回顾了西南涡及其暴雨的研究历史和当前研究所取得的最新成果,重点探讨了应用新资料、新方法研究西南涡中尺度结构演变及其诱发强降水机理、全球变暖背景下西南涡的气候变化趋势等科学问题。根据西南涡及其暴雨关系的最新研究成果和相关理论、方法和技术的发展应用趋势,提出这一研究领域值得关注的几个新方向。目前对西南涡精细结构的了解非常有限,西南涡引发高影响天气过程的物理机理尚不十分清楚,对西南涡的气候学统计特征的认识分歧仍然较大。因此,对这一既经典又前沿的研究领域不断探索与拓展,不仅对推动青藏高原天气动力学的理论发展有重要科学意义,也可为高原灾害性天气与盆地气象预报的应用实践提供指导。


    Abstract: The southwest vortex (SWV) is one of the strongest heavy systems in China. The intensity, frequency and range of rainstorm caused by it are only inferior to typhoon and residual pressure, It can cause disastrous weather in the vast area of Southwest China and the eastern part of China. We review the research history and new progresses of the SWVs, and mainly discuss such scientific problems as evolution of mesoscale structure and mechanism induced heavy rain based on new data and methods, as well as climatology of southwest vortices under the background of global warming. According to the latest research achievement of the SWVs, the development and application trends of related theory and methods, we propose several notable new research directions in the field of this study. It is not clear for the detailed structure of SWVs and the physical mechanism of high-influence weather initiated by them, Therefore, its further study is of great importance for theoretical development of weather dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), and will provide a theoretical guide for severe weather analysis and forecast over the TP and Sichuan Basin.


