覃丽, 吴启树, 曾小团, 吴俞, 覃月凤. 2019: 对流非对称台风“天鸽”(1713)近海急剧增强成因分析. 暴雨灾害, 38(3): 212-220. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.03.003
引用本文: 覃丽, 吴启树, 曾小团, 吴俞, 覃月凤. 2019: 对流非对称台风“天鸽”(1713)近海急剧增强成因分析. 暴雨灾害, 38(3): 212-220. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.03.003
QIN Li, WU Qishu, ZENG Xiaotuan, WU Yu, QIN Yuefeng. 2019: Analysis on cause of rapid intensification of asymmetrical Typhoon Hato (1713) over the offshore of China. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 38(3): 212-220. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.03.003
Citation: QIN Li, WU Qishu, ZENG Xiaotuan, WU Yu, QIN Yuefeng. 2019: Analysis on cause of rapid intensification of asymmetrical Typhoon Hato (1713) over the offshore of China. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 38(3): 212-220. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.03.003


Analysis on cause of rapid intensification of asymmetrical Typhoon Hato (1713) over the offshore of China

  • 摘要: 利用欧洲中心ERA-Interim逐6 h再分析资料(水平分辨率0.125°×0.125°)、NOAA逐日海表温度资料(水平分辨率0.25°×0.25°)、日本HMW8卫星逐时黑体亮温TBB(水平分辨率0.05°×0.05°)资料对对流非对称台风"天鸽"近海急剧增强原因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)"天鸽"是在其对流呈非对称分布的前提下发展起来的,近海急剧增强过程其对流也呈非对称分布。"天鸽"强度增强时,TBB一波非对称振幅逐渐减小,非对称程度减弱。(2)南海北部28.5~30℃异常偏暖的海表温度有利于"天鸽"快速增强,是"天鸽"近海急剧增强的原因。(3)"天鸽"近海强度变化与南亚高压、副热带高压的强度变化呈正相关系,"天鸽"近海急剧增强发生在200 hPa南亚高压加强东移,同时500 hPa副热带高压加强西伸、低层西南季风加强的有利条件下。200 hPa南亚高压反气旋环流加强东移导致台风上空向西南方向出流加强,台风中心南侧高层辐散与低层辐合的显著加强及其导致的非对称分布的强对流的发展,是"天鸽"急剧增强的重要原因之一。200hPa南亚高压加强东移与低层西南季风加强同步导致环境风垂直切变明显增大,对"天鸽"内的对流分布和台风强度均有重要影响,环境风垂直切变低于阻碍台风发展的阈值(12.5 m·s-1)是台风急剧增强的一个重要条件。(4)"天鸽"强度的快速加强与副热带高压加强西伸和西南季风加强造成的台风内部的非对称环流结构密切相关,"天鸽"水平风速的非对称分布导致台风中心附近正涡度增大,水平风速非对称分布变深厚引起台风中心附近正涡度大值区向对流层中上层伸展,也是"天鸽"急剧增强的重要原因。


    Abstract: Using the 6-hourly reanalysis data of European Center ERA-Interim with horizontal resolution of 0.125°×0.125°, the daily sea surface temperature (SST) data of NOAA with horizontal resolution of 0.25°×0.25°, and the hourly black body temperature (TBB) data of Japan HMW8 satellite with horizontal resolution of 0.05°×0.05°, the analysis on cause of rapid intensification (RI) of asymmetrical Typhoon Hato (No.1713) over the offshore of China is carried out. The results are as follows. (1) Hato has developed under the precondition that the disturbance of convection in Hato was asymmetrical and Hato had kept to be asymmetrical during its RI. The amplitude of one wave asymmetry of TBB decreased gradually and the degree of asymmetry weakened when Hato intensified. (2) Abnormally high SST of 28.5~30℃ in the northern South China Sea favorable to the development of typhoon was one of the factors causing RI of Hato. (3) The intensity change of Hato was in proportion to that of the South Asia high and the subtropical high. RI of Hato over the offshore occurred under the favorable condition that the South Asia high was strengthening and moving eastward at 200 hPa while the subtropical high was strengthening and moving westward at 500 hPa, and the low-level southwesterly monsoon flow was increasing. The enhancement of the southwestward outflow over Hato was caused by anti-cyclonic circulation of the South Asia high on 200 hPa. Remarkable strengthening of upper-level divergence and low-level convergence in the south of Hato and the resulting development of asymmetrical strong convection were important causes of RI of Hato. Strengthening and eastward moving of the South Asia high at 200 hPa and the simultaneous increasing of the low-level southwesterly monsoon flow led to a significant enhancement of the environmental vertical wind shear (VWS) which played an important role in the distribution of convection and intensity of Hato. The environmental VWS below the threshold (12.5 m·s-1) is a key condition for typhoon RI. (4) RI of Hato was closely related to the asymmetric structure circulation induced by the strengthening and westward moving of the subtropical high and the strengthening of the southwesterly monsoon flow. Increasing and upward stretching to the middle and upper troposphere of positive vorticity near typhoon center resulting from the asymmetrical distribution of horizontal wind and the deepening of such distribution also were important causes of RI of Hato.


