康兆萍, 周志敏, 李红莉. 2019: 不同分辨率和云微物理方案对华中暴雨模拟的影响分析. 暴雨灾害, 38(6): 658-667. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.06.011
引用本文: 康兆萍, 周志敏, 李红莉. 2019: 不同分辨率和云微物理方案对华中暴雨模拟的影响分析. 暴雨灾害, 38(6): 658-667. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.06.011
KANG Zhaoping, ZHOU Zhiming, LI Hongli. 2019: Analysis on the effects of different horizontal resolutions and microphysical schemes on the simulation of a rainstorm in central China. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 38(6): 658-667. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.06.011
Citation: KANG Zhaoping, ZHOU Zhiming, LI Hongli. 2019: Analysis on the effects of different horizontal resolutions and microphysical schemes on the simulation of a rainstorm in central China. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 38(6): 658-667. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2019.06.011


Analysis on the effects of different horizontal resolutions and microphysical schemes on the simulation of a rainstorm in central China

  • 摘要: 利用中尺度模式WRF对2016年6月30日—7月1日华中地区一次暴雨过程进行数值模拟试验,探讨不同分辨率和云微物理方案对降水的影响,结果表明:(1)模拟雨带与实况基本一致,但模拟暴雨范围偏小;总雨区模拟对分辨率更为敏感,大暴雨区模拟对分辨率和云微物理方案均很敏感;采用不同分辨率时,降水模拟能力受云微物理过程与积云参数化共同影响。TS评分显示,12 km分辨率和Lin微物理方案组合对特大暴雨模拟效果最好。(2)不同云微物理方案模拟各水凝物粒子发展和演变主要取决于其本身特点。Lin方案多云冰和霰、少雪;Thompson方案多雪,几乎不含云冰和霰;Morrison方案3种冰相粒子分布较为均匀,Lin方案模拟冰相粒子含量被低估,而Thompson方案和Morrison方案模拟冰相粒子含量被高估。(3)不同方案模拟上升气流强弱将影响水凝物粒子分布,在系统成熟期,Lin方案模拟上升气流直立,中高层向后出流弱,冰相粒子集中;Thompson方案和Morrison方案模拟倾斜上升气流在中高层向后出流强,大量冰相粒子被带出而不能形成有效降水。


    Abstract: Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, a heavy rainfall in central China during 30 June to 1 Jul 2016 is simulated to explore the effects of different horizontal resolutions and microphysical schemes. The results show that:(1) all of the simulations can reproduce the rainfall well, but simulated rainstorm areas are smaller than observations. The total rainfall is more sensitive to horizontal resolutions than to microphysical schemes, although the big rainstorm is sensitive to both horizontal resolutions and microphysical schemes. With different horizontal resolutions, microphysical schemes and cumulus schemes affect the performance of the rainfall forecast in common. TS scores of 24-hour accumulated precipitation show that the simulation with 12 km horizontal resolution andthe Lin scheme performs the best in extremely rainstorm simulation. (2) The evolution of hydrometeors simulated by different microphysical schemes largely depends on themselves. The Lin scheme simulates more ice and graupel, but less snow. The Thompson scheme simulates more snow, but less ice and graupel. The Morrison shceme simulates the similar contents among three types of ice hydrometeors. The Lin scheme underestimates the ice-water content significantly. The Thompson and Morrison scheme overestimate the ice-water content significantly. (3) Updraft strength simulated by different schemes affects the distribution of hydrometeors in the mature stage. The Lin scheme simulates upright updraft and weak upper flow so that most of the ice hydrometeors are limited in convective system. The Thompson and Morrison schemes simulate slantwise updraft and strong upper flow so that most of ice hydrometeors flow with upper flow.


