肖云清, 沈新勇, 张晓露, 杨苑媛, 张建荣, 张弛, 李小凡. 2020: 贺兰山东麓两次局地暴雨过程的湿位涡诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 39(2): 148-157. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.005
引用本文: 肖云清, 沈新勇, 张晓露, 杨苑媛, 张建荣, 张弛, 李小凡. 2020: 贺兰山东麓两次局地暴雨过程的湿位涡诊断分析. 暴雨灾害, 39(2): 148-157. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.005
XIAO Yunqing, SHEN Xinyong, ZHANG Xiaolu, YANG Yuanyuan, ZHANG Jianrong, ZHANG Chi, LI Xiaofan. 2020: Diagnostic analysis of moist potential vorticity for two local rainstorm events on the eastern foot of Helan Mountain. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 39(2): 148-157. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.005
Citation: XIAO Yunqing, SHEN Xinyong, ZHANG Xiaolu, YANG Yuanyuan, ZHANG Jianrong, ZHANG Chi, LI Xiaofan. 2020: Diagnostic analysis of moist potential vorticity for two local rainstorm events on the eastern foot of Helan Mountain. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 39(2): 148-157. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.005


Diagnostic analysis of moist potential vorticity for two local rainstorm events on the eastern foot of Helan Mountain

  • 摘要: 利用自动气象站雨量资料、MICAPS4调阅资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对比分析了2016年8月21日和2018年7月22日宁夏贺兰山东麓两次局地暴雨过程的降水特征、环流形势等,重点对两次过程的湿位涡场进行了诊断分析。结果表明:两次暴雨过程第一阶段均为暖区降水,表现出降水范围小、时间短、强度大,相对第一阶段降水,第二阶段降水范围较大、雨强较小。两次过程强降水均发生在假相当位温(θse)等值线密集区,并沿低空急流轴呈长条状分布,强降水时段与θse最大值出现时间相一致。暴雨区位于位涡(PV)负值中心区附近,暴雨发生发展过程与PV负值中心的移动和变化较为一致,PV负值中心的加强和减弱以及移动方向对局地暴雨的预报有很好的指示意义。对流层500 hPa以上湿位涡正压项(MPV1)正的大值区对应700 hPa以下负的大值区,正负中心区垂直叠加的配置有利于暴雨发生发展。垂直剖面图上600 hPa都存在湿位涡斜压项(MPV2)负极值中心,对流层中低层MPV2负极值中心的强度和维持时间以及变化对局地暴雨的预报有一定的指示作用。


    Abstract: Based on the rainfall data from the automatic weather stations, the conventional data accessed by MICAPS4 and NCEP reanalysis data, we have conducted a comparative analysis of two local heavy rainstorm events on the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia occurred respectively on 21 August 2016 and 22 July 2018 in terms of their precipitation characteristics, circulation background and other conditions, with focus on the diagnostic analysis of the moist potential vortex field in the two events. The results indicate that both events can be divided into two stages. In both cases, the first stage are warm-area precipitation, showing the feature such as small range, short time and high intensity. Comparing with the first stage, their second stage of precipitation present larger range and less rain intensity. The severe precipitation during the two events both occurred in the pseudo-equivalent potential temperature (θse) isoline areas, and both of them are distributed along the main axis of the low-level jet. The period of severe precipitation is consistent with the occurrence time of θse maximum. Rainstorm zones are basically located near the center of negative potential vortex (PV), and the trigger and development of rainstorm is consistent with the movement of the negative PV center, whose strengthening, weakening and moving direction can guide the prediction of local heavy rainstorm. The positive large value areas of barotropic term (MPV1) of moist potential vorticity above 500 hPa troposphere are corresponding with the negative large value areas of MPV1 below 700 hPa, and the vertical superposition of positive and negative MPV1 center area is conducive to the occurrence and development of rainstorm. It is found in the vertical section that there are negative extreme areas of baroclinic term (MPV2) of moist potential vorticity at 600 hPa in the two events. The intensity, duration and variation of negative MPV2 extreme areas in the lower and middle troposphere can be used as indicators for the prediction of local heavy rainstorm.


