朱红芳, 王东勇, 杨祖祥, 陶玮. 2020: “海葵”台风(1211号)暴雨雨滴谱特征分析. 暴雨灾害, 39(2): 167-175. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.007
引用本文: 朱红芳, 王东勇, 杨祖祥, 陶玮. 2020: “海葵”台风(1211号)暴雨雨滴谱特征分析. 暴雨灾害, 39(2): 167-175. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.007
ZHU Hongfang, WANG Dongyong, YANG Zuxiang, TAO Wei. 2020: Analysis of raindrop spectrum characteristics for a heavy rain event caused by typhoon Haikui (No.1211) in Anhui. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 39(2): 167-175. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.007
Citation: ZHU Hongfang, WANG Dongyong, YANG Zuxiang, TAO Wei. 2020: Analysis of raindrop spectrum characteristics for a heavy rain event caused by typhoon Haikui (No.1211) in Anhui. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 39(2): 167-175. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2020.02.007


Analysis of raindrop spectrum characteristics for a heavy rain event caused by typhoon Haikui (No.1211) in Anhui

  • 摘要: 利用常规气象观测资料、加密自动气象观测站资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及安徽省滁州、黄山山底站地基雨滴谱观测资料,分析了2012年8月8—9日“海葵”台风暴雨过程的降水特征与环流背景,重点分析了该过程前后两个阶段(即台风本体造成的降水阶段与冷空气入侵引发的降水阶段)降水的雨滴谱特征。结果表明:(1)“海葵”台风降水过程中,安徽滁州站和黄山山底站平均谱谱宽都较大,均有6~8 mm的大降水粒子出现;黄山山底站具有更高的雨滴数浓度和较小的雨滴直径。(2)整个降水过程中,滁州站平均谱接近后一阶段的雨滴谱型,而黄山山底站平均谱接近前一阶段的雨滴谱型;不同雨强下两站的雨滴谱谱型基本相似,且随着降水强度增大,谱宽和雨滴数浓度均呈增大趋势。(3)前后两个降水阶段,滁州和黄山山底站表现出不同的滴谱特征。前一阶段,滁州站雨强(R)、雨滴质量加权平均直径(Dm)和标准化数浓度(Nw)的均值均小于黄山山底站;至后一阶段,滁州站的RDm明显增大,均大于黄山山底站。(4)从台风本体降水阶段到冷空气入侵降水阶段,滁州站雨滴谱型变化明显,呈现出谱宽由窄变宽且随雨滴直径增大而雨滴数浓度均增大的特点;黄山山底站雨滴谱型差异不大,表现出谱宽由宽变窄、雨滴数浓度随雨滴直径增大先增后减的特点。


    Abstract: Using conventional meteorological observations,observational data from regional automatic weather stations,NCEP reanalysis data and the raindrop spectrum data from ground-based disdrometers at Chuzhou station and the Shandi station at the foot of Huang Mount,we have performed an analysis of the precipitation characteristics and circulation background for the heavy rain event caused by typhoon Haikui from August 8 to 9 in 2012, with focus on the raindrop size distribution characteristics in the two stages of this event,that is,the first stage of precipitation caused by typhoon itself and the second stage caused by cold air intrusion. The results are as follows. (1) During this precipitation event,both the averaged spectrum widths are large at Chuzhou station and the Shandi station. There are big raindrops with diameter from 6 mm to 8 mm. But there is higher raindrop concentration and smaller raindrop size at the Shandi station. (2) During the whole precipitation event,the averaged spectrum at Chuzhou station is close to the raindrop pattern of the latter stage,while the averaged spectrum at the Shandi station is close to the raindrop pattern of the previous stage. The raindrop spectrum patterns at the two stations at different precipitation intensities are similar basically. And with the increase of precipitation intensity,the spectral width and raindrop concentration increase at the two stations. (3) At the different stages of this event,there are the different raindrop spectrum characteristics at Chuzhou station and the Shandi station. In the previous stage,the means of rainfall intensity (R),raindrop mass weighted mean diameter (Dm) and standardized raindrop number concentration (Nw) at Chuzhou station are all smaller than those at the Shandi station. In the latter stage,R and Dm at Chuzhou station increase significantly,which are larger than those at the Shandi station. (4) From the previous stage to the latter stage,the raindrop spectrum varies significantly at Chuzhou station,showing that the spectrum width increases from narrow to wide and raindrop number concentrations increase with increasing of the raindrop size. Meanwhile,there is little difference in the raindrop pattern at the Shandi station,showing that the spectrum width changes from wide to narrow,and the raindrop concentrations increase first and then decrease with the increase of raindrop size and the raindrop number concentrations increase first and then decrease with the increase of raindrop size.


