张屹, 陆春松, 张胜龙, 朱磊, 高思楠. 2021: 层积云与积云中的微物理特征及其影响因子. 暴雨灾害, 40(3): 297-305. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.008
引用本文: 张屹, 陆春松, 张胜龙, 朱磊, 高思楠. 2021: 层积云与积云中的微物理特征及其影响因子. 暴雨灾害, 40(3): 297-305. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.008
ZHANG Yi, LU Chunsong, ZHANG Shenglong, ZHU Lei, GAO Sinan. 2021: Stratocumulus and cumulus microphysics and the influencing factors. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 40(3): 297-305. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.008
Citation: ZHANG Yi, LU Chunsong, ZHANG Shenglong, ZHU Lei, GAO Sinan. 2021: Stratocumulus and cumulus microphysics and the influencing factors. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 40(3): 297-305. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.008


Stratocumulus and cumulus microphysics and the influencing factors

  • 摘要: 美国大气辐射观测项目组进行的浅薄低云的光学辐射观测项目(RACORO)对出现在美国南部大平原的低云开展了为期五个月的观测,得到了大量层积云和积云中的数据。为了探究在层积云和积云中的微物理特征,采用伽马分布、对数正态分布、威布尔分布对微物理量的概率密度分布进行拟合,分析对比层积云和积云中微物理量的特征,并探讨两种云云滴谱离散度的影响因子。结果表明,以上三种概率分布函数对层积云和积云中的微物理量的概率密度分布拟合效果很好,绝大部分总体拟合度达到了0.80以上。综合看来,伽马分布对层积云内的微物理量拟合效果最好,对数正态分布对积云内的微物理量拟合效果最好。对比层积云与积云中微物理量的分布差异得到,在积云中云滴数浓度更高,而云滴的平均半径更小;积云含水量、标准差和离散度与层积云相当。在云滴谱离散度的影响因子方面,层积云和积云中离散度与云滴数浓度、垂直速度呈负相关关系,这是因为垂直速度越大,过饱和度越大,云滴浓度越大,离散度越小;垂直速度减小往往对应着夹卷增强和云滴蒸发,从而导致云滴浓度减小和离散度增大。


    Abstract: This study examined the aircraft observations in stratocumulus and cumulus during the Routine AAF (Atmospheric Radiation MeasurementARM Aerial Facility) Clouds with Low Optical Water Depths (CLOWD) Optical Radiative Observations (RACORO) field campaign over the Southern Great Plains site near Lamont, Oklahoma, US, form 22 January to 30 June 2009. The probability density distributions of microphysical properties in the stratocumulus and cumulus were fitted and compared using Gamma, lognormal, and Weibull distributions. Futhermore, the impact factors to the relative dispersion of cloud droplet size distributions were discussed. Results showed that the three probability distribution functions fit the probability density distribution of microphysical properties in stratocumulus and cumulus clouds very well, and the coefficient of determination of most microphysical properties reaches more than 0.80. In general, the Gamma distribution has the best performance for the microphysical properties in the stratocumulus clouds, and the lognormal distribution has the best performance for the microphysical properties in cumulus clouds. Comparison of the distributions of microphysical properties between the stratocumulus and cumulus clouds showed that the cloud droplet number concentration in the cumulus clouds is higher and the average radius of cloud droplets is smaller, and the liquid water content, standard deviation and relative dispersion are comparable. In terms of the impact factors of relative dispersion, realtive dispersion in both stratocumulus and cumulus are negatively correlated with the cloud droplet number concentration and vertical velocity. The reasons are: when vertical velocity is large, supersaturation is expected to be high, which causes large number concentration and small relative dispersion, and small vertical velocity corresponds to strong entrainment and droplet evaporation, which further causes small number concentration and large relative dispersion.


