邓雯, 廖移山, 闵爱荣. 2021: 大气科学类学术论文关键词标引及摘要撰写方法探析. 暴雨灾害, 40(3): 326-332. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.011
引用本文: 邓雯, 廖移山, 闵爱荣. 2021: 大气科学类学术论文关键词标引及摘要撰写方法探析. 暴雨灾害, 40(3): 326-332. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.011
DENG Wen, LIAO Yishan, MIN Airong. 2021: Discussion and analysis on key words indexing and abstract writing methods of atmospheric science academic papers. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 40(3): 326-332. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.011
Citation: DENG Wen, LIAO Yishan, MIN Airong. 2021: Discussion and analysis on key words indexing and abstract writing methods of atmospheric science academic papers. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 40(3): 326-332. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.03.011


Discussion and analysis on key words indexing and abstract writing methods of atmospheric science academic papers

  • 摘要: 随机抽查统计了大气科学类18种核心期刊和15种省级刊物中的50期共计605篇论文,发现38%左右的关键词或摘要撰写存在欠规范的问题。为了提高学术论文的撰写质量,对大气科学类学术论文中关键词标引和摘要撰写存在的问题及解决方法进行了探讨。研究表明:关键词主要存在选用通用词、漏选关键词、标引深度不合适、排列顺序混乱等不足,摘要比较常见的问题则表现在基本要素残缺、嵌入不当信息、结果(结论)笼统空泛。该研究指出:关键词的选取以《汉语主题词表》中的叙词为主,可适当搭配新型交叉学科、新理论、新技术中出现的科技术语和专有名词,忌选通用词;应遵循“选准、选全”的原则,从题名、摘要、层次标题、结论乃至正文中提取能完整表达论文主题、具有检索价值的主题词,以4~5个为宜;其排序应遵循一定的逻辑规则。摘要应包含目的、方法、结果、结论四要素;避免使用第一人称、嵌入背景知识、自我见解和主观评价;结果(结论)部分要逻辑清晰、言之有物、定量直观,让读者能透过研究结果窥见论文的核心价值。该文还提出了提炼摘要四要素的四个步骤及大气科学类摘要的三种常见写作格式。


    Abstract: Random statistics samples of 605 papers in 50 issues including 18 core journals and 15 provincial journals of atmospheric science show that there are about 38% of the key words or abstract writing is not standardized. In order to improve writing quality of academic papers, the problems and solutions of key words and abstracts in atmospheric science papers were discussed. The main conclusions are as following. The key words mainly have shortcomings in such aspects as selecting common words, omitting subject words, the inappropriate depth of indexing, key word in permutation being in disorder, etc. The abstract has the following shortcomings: the basic elements are incomplete, the improper information is embedded, and the results are general and vague. This study points out that: the selection of key words should be mainly based on the order words in the Chinese Thesaurus, which can be appropriately matched with the scientific and technological terms and proper nouns in the new interdisciplinary, new theory and new technology, and general words should be avoided; The key words should follow the principle of "accurate selection and complete selection". Key words should be extracted from the title, abstract, level title and even the text, which can fully express the theme of the paper and have retrieval value, the number of keywords should be 4-5 and their order should follow certain logical rules. The abstract should contain four elements: purpose, method, result and conclusion; avoid using the first person, embedding background knowledge, self-opinion and subjective evaluation; the result (conclusion) part should be logical, meaningful and quantitative, so that readers can see the core value of the paper through the research results. The article also gives four steps to extract the four elements of the abstract and three common writing formats of atmospheric science academic papers.


