赵娴婷, 闵爱荣, 廖移山, 王晓芳, 叶金桃. 2021: 2020年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程简述. 暴雨灾害, 40(6): 675-686. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.06.012
引用本文: 赵娴婷, 闵爱荣, 廖移山, 王晓芳, 叶金桃. 2021: 2020年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程简述. 暴雨灾害, 40(6): 675-686. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.06.012
ZHAO Xianting, MIN Airong, LIAO Yishan, WANG Xiaofang, YE Jintao. 2021: Major heavy rain events in China from April to October in 2020. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 40(6): 675-686. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.06.012
Citation: ZHAO Xianting, MIN Airong, LIAO Yishan, WANG Xiaofang, YE Jintao. 2021: Major heavy rain events in China from April to October in 2020. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 40(6): 675-686. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2021.06.012


Major heavy rain events in China from April to October in 2020

  • 摘要: 利用中国大陆2 400多站日降水资料和常规探空资料,以1981—2010年30 a平均降水量为气候态,统计2020年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程,概述各主要暴雨过程的降水分布和天气形势特征。结果表明:2020年4—10月我国共出现188个暴雨日、41次主要暴雨过程。2020年5—9月,月平均降水较常年同期平均值明显偏多,6—7月,长江中下游和江淮地区出现超强梅雨,月累计降水量较常年同期基本偏多5成以上,部分地区偏多2倍以上。2020年4—10月我国共出现28站次特大暴雨。8月四川强降水频发,引发内涝和山体滑坡等次生灾害。年内最大日降水量423.2 mm出现在8月10日的四川芦山。6月7—10日,广东龙门出现年内最大过程降水量667.9 mm。2020年共有8个台风影响我国,其中5个台风在我国登陆。台风整体偏弱,但8月下旬至9月上旬,东北地区连续遭受3个台风袭击。


    Abstract: Based on the daily precipitation data from over 2 400 weather stations and the conventional sounding data in mainland China, the major heavy rainfall events happened in China from April to October in 2020 were selected by comparing their precipitation with the average precipitation derived from 1981 to 2010. The precipitation distribution and the weather conditions for these events was summarized. Results indicated that during this period there were 188 heavy rain days and 41 major heavy rain events. The monthly average precipitation from May to September in 2020 was more than that in the same period of the last 12 years. There was a strong plum rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Jianghuai region from June to July, and the monthly cumulative precipitation was basically more than climatology by 50 percent, and more than twice in some areas. There were 28 heavy rainstorms occurred in China from April to October. Heavy precipitation occurred frequently in Sichuan province in August, causing secondary disasters such as waterlogging and landslides. The maximum daily precipitation of 423.2 mm occurred at Lushan station of Sichuan province on August 10. The maximum event total of 667.9 mm rainfall occurred at Longmen station in Guangdong province from 7th to 10th June in 2020.A total of 8 typhoons affected China, of which 5 typhoons landed in China. The typhoon was weak as a whole, but the Northeast region has been hit by three typhoons in a row from late August to early September.


