韦惠红, 许冠宇, 刘希文, 张家国, 李双君, 姜杰. 2022: 湖北省不同类型雷暴大风的时空分布及环境参数特征. 暴雨灾害, 41(1): 66-75. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.01.008
引用本文: 韦惠红, 许冠宇, 刘希文, 张家国, 李双君, 姜杰. 2022: 湖北省不同类型雷暴大风的时空分布及环境参数特征. 暴雨灾害, 41(1): 66-75. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.01.008
WEI Huihong, XU Guanyu, LIU Xiwen, ZHANG Jiaguo, LI Shuangjun, JIANG Jie. 2022: Spatial-temporal distribution and environmental parameter characteristics for different types of thunderstorm gales in Hubei Province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 41(1): 66-75. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.01.008
Citation: WEI Huihong, XU Guanyu, LIU Xiwen, ZHANG Jiaguo, LI Shuangjun, JIANG Jie. 2022: Spatial-temporal distribution and environmental parameter characteristics for different types of thunderstorm gales in Hubei Province. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 41(1): 66-75. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9045.2022.01.008


Spatial-temporal distribution and environmental parameter characteristics for different types of thunderstorm gales in Hubei Province

  • 摘要: 基于常规观测资料、NCEP再分析资料、闪电定位资料和雷达资料,对湖北省2007—2015年雷暴大风的天气类型、时空分布和环境条件进行了分析,并根据箱线图展示的结果分区域分季节讨论了各型雷暴大风的环境参数特征。结果表明:(1) 湖北雷暴大风分为高空冷平流强迫型、低层暖平流强迫型、斜压锋生型、准正压型,其发生在3—8月,其中夏季(6—8月)雷暴大风占其全年总数的78%;一天中,其主要发生在15—19时,峰值在16时;雷暴大风空间分布不均,其高频中心位于鄂西南的宜昌和鄂东的黄石。(2) 各型雷暴大风存在季节和区域差异,斜压锋生型主要出现在春季,高空冷平流强迫型、低层暖平流强迫型、准正压型主要出现在夏季;高空冷平流强迫型在鄂西北发生最多,低层暖平流强迫型在宜昌地区、江汉平原、鄂东均出现较多,准正压型和斜压锋生型在鄂东发生最多。(3) 高空冷平流强迫型雷暴大风的850 hPa与500 hPa温差(ΔT85)和中低层(925—500 hPa)风垂直切变(SL95)较大,850 hPa露点温度(Td85)偏低;低层暖平流强迫型的SL95K指数均较大;准正压型的对流有效位能(CAPE)较大、SL95、低层(925—700 hPa)风垂直切变(SL97)较小;斜压锋生型的SL95SL97均较大。(4) 湖北雷暴大风的对流参数K指数、ΔT85CAPE的阈值分别为35 ℃、25 ℃和925 J·kg-1,鄂西北、鄂东的对流参数离散度较大,按区域归纳各型雷暴大风的对流参数阈值,对当地雷暴大风预报预警更有指导意义。


    Abstract: Based on conventional observation data, NCEP reanalysis data, lightning locating data and radar data, we have conducted the analysis on weather types, spatial-temporal distribution and environment condition of thunderstorm gales in Hubei from 2007 to 2015. Moreover, according to the results in boxplots, we have discussed the environmental parameter characteristics for the different types of thunderstorm gales in different regions and seasons. The main results are as follow. (1) Thunderstorm gales in Hubei, which occur between March and August, can be divided into high-level cold advection forcing (HCAF), low-level warm advection forcing (LWAF), baroclinic frontogenesis (BCF), and quasi-barotropic (QBT) types, with 78% of them occurring in the summer (from June to August). Most of thunderstorm gales occur from 15∶00 BT to 19∶00 BT in a day, whose peak value is at 16:00 BT. The spatial distributions of thunderstorm gales are uneven, whose high frequency regions are located near Yichang of southwestern Hubei and Huangshi of east Hubei. (2) There are seasonal and regional differences in the spatial-temporal distribution of the different types of thunderstorm gales. Among those types, the BCF type occur mostly in spring, and most of HCAF, LWAF and QBT types occur in summer. The HCAF type occurs mostly in the northwest Hubei, and the LWAF type occurs more in Yichang area, Jianghan plain and eastern Hubei, while both the QBT type and the BCF type occur mostly in the eastern Hubei. (3) When the HCAF type thunderstorm gales occur, both the temperature difference (ΔT85) between 850 hPa and 500 hPa and the wind vertical shear (S95) in the mid- and low-level (925-500 hPa) are greater, while the dew-point at 850 hPa is lower. For the QBT type thunderstorm gales, both S95 and K index are greater. For the QBT type, the convective available potential energy (CAPE) is greater, and both S95 and the wind vertical shear (S97) in the low-level (925-700 hPa) is less. For the BCF type, both S95 and S97 are greater. (4) When the thunderstorm gales in Hubei occur, the thresholds of convection parameters of K index, ΔT85 and CAPE are 35 ℃, 25 ℃ and 925 J·kg-1, respec tively. The dispersion of convection parameters is greater in the northwestern Hubei and eastern Hubei, therefore, summing up the thresholds of convection parameters in region has more indicative significance to the forecasting and warning of thunderstorm gales in Hubei.


