岳彩军. 2014: Q矢量、螺旋度、位涡及位涡反演在台风暴雨研究中的应用进展. 暴雨灾害, 33(3): 193-201.
引用本文: 岳彩军. 2014: Q矢量、螺旋度、位涡及位涡反演在台风暴雨研究中的应用进展. 暴雨灾害, 33(3): 193-201.
YUE Caijun. 2014: Progress in application study of Q vector, helicity, potential vorticity and itsinversion to torrential rainfall associated with typhoon. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(3): 193-201.
Citation: YUE Caijun. 2014: Progress in application study of Q vector, helicity, potential vorticity and itsinversion to torrential rainfall associated with typhoon. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(3): 193-201.


Progress in application study of Q vector, helicity, potential vorticity and itsinversion to torrential rainfall associated with typhoon

  • 摘要: :Q矢量、螺旋度、位涡及位涡反演是近代天气学中的先进动力诊断工具。Q矢量被视为估算垂直运动的有效方法。螺旋度是表征流体边旋转边沿旋转方向运动的动力性质的物理量。位涡是一个综合反映大气热力和动力性质的物理量并具有守恒性和可反演性。位涡反演是指在给定位涡分布和边界条件且假定运动是平衡的情况下,可以反演出同一时刻的风、温度、位势高度等物理量的分布。台风暴雨形成机理及其预报研究一直是大气科学研究领域的重点和业务天气预报工作的难点。文章将着重总结分析国内外有关将Q矢量、螺旋度、位涡及位涡反演方法应用于台风暴雨研究的进展状况,并对未来如何综合应用上述诊断工具进行了展望。


    Abstract: Q vector, helicity, potential vorticity and its inversion are advanced diagnostic tools of synoptic meteorology in modern times. Qvector is taken as an effective method to estimate vertical motion. Helicity depicts dynamic feature of fluid that is rotating while moving alongthe rotating direction. Potential vorticity comprehensively describes the thermodynamical and dynamical characteristics of atmosphere, and ithas the properties being conservative and invertible. Potential vorticity inversion is the procedure that the corresponding wind, temperature,geopotenrial height and so on can be derived when potential vorticity and boundary conditions are given with a premise of balanced motion.The mechanism and prediction of torrential rainfall in typhoon is always one of important issues in atmospheric science and one of difficultquestions in operational forecasting. The applications of the above diagnostic methods in past research on torrential rainfall associated with typhoonis thoroughly reviewed in this study, along with prospective applications of these tools in the future.


