吴涛, 黄小彦, 牛奔. 2014: 2012年7月12日鄂东北准静止中尺度对流系统分析. 暴雨灾害, 33(3): 228-238.
引用本文: 吴涛, 黄小彦, 牛奔. 2014: 2012年7月12日鄂东北准静止中尺度对流系统分析. 暴雨灾害, 33(3): 228-238.
WU Tao, HUANG Xiaoyan, NIU Ben. 2014: Analysis of the quasi-stationary meso-scale convective systemsin the Northeast of Hubei on July 12,2012. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(3): 228-238.
Citation: WU Tao, HUANG Xiaoyan, NIU Ben. 2014: Analysis of the quasi-stationary meso-scale convective systemsin the Northeast of Hubei on July 12,2012. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(3): 228-238.


Analysis of the quasi-stationary meso-scale convective systemsin the Northeast of Hubei on July 12,2012

  • 摘要: :使用高空天气图、NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)再分析场、新一代天气雷达及地面观测资料分析了导致2012 年7 月12 日鄂东北强降水的准静止中尺度对流系统MCS(Mesoscale Convective System)的演变特征,解释了MCS 维持准静止状态的成因。南支槽、东北冷涡、副热带高压是MCS 形成的主要大尺度天气系统,MCS 形成于副高外围西南气流和冷涡高空槽底部之间,副高位置稳定和冷涡高空槽缓慢南压有利于MCS 稳定少动,且随南支槽加深西南急流的建立有利于持续向MCS 输送水汽和不稳定能量。MCS 表现为单个中α尺度对流云团,成熟时外形呈椭圆型,边缘光滑,亮温低值中心位于MCS 西侧,且有指状突起,亮温低值区域对应中β尺度对流回波带,强降水组合反射率因子为45~55 dBz,回波顶高18 km,中心高度低于6 km,MCS 维持准静止状态。强降水与MCS 亮温低值中心、强回波带相对应,降水效率高,持续时间长。中尺度分析表明,辐合线的维持是MCS 呈准静止状态的主要原因。地形阻挡产生的地面辐合线触发了初始对流,强降水在地面产生冷池、雷暴高压及弧状出流边界,出流边界上风速辐合较强且温度梯度较大区域又触发出新的对流,并在气压梯度力推动下向东南方向传播,抵消了环境风平流运动。MCS 低层主要有西南气流和西北气流,西北气流逐渐从MCS 后部进入,与西南气流形成辐合线,西南气流沿西北气流爬升产生对流,形成自东南向西北倾斜的中尺度锋面,地面出流边界和高空辐合线是中尺度锋面在风场的表现形式,对回波加强、维持有重要作用,且高空辐合线引起的后向传播也抵消了环境风平流运动。


    Abstract: By using the data of upper-air chart, NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis field, weather radar andground observations, the characteristics and causes of the heavy rain-producing quasi-stationary MCS (mesoscale convective system) occurredin the northeast of Hubei on July 12, 2012 was analyzed. The main large scale weather systems were southern branch trough, northeastcold vortex and subtropical high. The MCS was formed between southwest airflow near the subtropical high and cold trough bottom. The factthat subtropical high kept stationary and cold trough moved southward slowly was favorable for the MCS to keep quasi-stationary. The southwestjet with deepening south branch trough has transported enough moisture, providing strong unstable energy to MCS. The MCS developedthe following features, i.e., an α-scale convective cloud with oval shape and smooth edges, low brightness temperature area located on thewest side of MCS, and finger-like, β-scale convective echo band corresponding to low brightness temperatures, composite reflectivity ofheavy rain ranging 45~55 dBz, echo top reaching 18 km, each center height being below 6 km. Heavy rain which corresponds to low brightnesstemperature area and strong echo band had high rainfall efficiency and long duration. Mesoscale analysis showed that convergence linewas the main cause for keeping the MCS quasi-stationary. Surface convergence line produced by terrain blocking triggered the initial convection;heavy rain produces cold pool, thunderstorm high and arc shape of outflow boundary; new convection was triggered again near outflowboundary areas where wind convergence and the temperature gradient were large. The MCS propagated southeast under pressure gradientforce which canceled the environment airflow advection. There were southwest and northwest airflows in MCS; northwest airflow passed intoMCS from its back, and formed convergence line with southwest airflow, then southwest airflow climbed along the northwest air and triggeredconvective, formed the front tilting from southeast to northwest. The outflow boundary on the ground and convergence line at high level wereshown as a frontal in wind field, whose position played an important role on echo strengthening and maintenance. The backward propagationproduced by convergent line on high level also acted to cancel the environment airflow advection.


