李红莉, 彭菊香, 张艳霞. 2014: 多源观测资料在LAPS中尺度分析场中的作用分析. 暴雨灾害, 33(3): 273-280.
引用本文: 李红莉, 彭菊香, 张艳霞. 2014: 多源观测资料在LAPS中尺度分析场中的作用分析. 暴雨灾害, 33(3): 273-280.
LI Hongli, PENG Juxiang, ZHANG Yanxia. 2014: Analysis on the role of various observation data in LAPS mesoscale analysis fields. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(3): 273-280.
Citation: LI Hongli, PENG Juxiang, ZHANG Yanxia. 2014: Analysis on the role of various observation data in LAPS mesoscale analysis fields. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 33(3): 273-280.


Analysis on the role of various observation data in LAPS mesoscale analysis fields

  • 摘要: 利用LAPS 系统,分别针对华中、华南两个区域,将2008—2010 年5—7 月采集的观测资料进行融合同化分析,设计几种敏感性试验方案,以探空资料为客观标准,对比分析各种观测资料对LAPS 分析场各要素误差的作用。将LAPS 分析资料和FNL 再分析资料做比较,给出融合多种观测资料后LAPS 分析场的误差精度。结果表明,LAPS 融合同化雷达资料、探空资料、地面观测资料后所得到的分析场误差最小;雷达资料和探空资料的融合对于改善风场及温度场的分析具有正效果,并可减小低层相对湿度误差;融合地面资料后能改善低层的温度场和湿度场分析,但对中高层无影响。对比试验期间各要素总均方根误差可发现,LAPS 分析的温度、风向和风速较FNL 再分析资料有明显改善,各要素误差在观测误差范围内;高度误差在中低层小于10 m,高层小于20 m;温度误差在1 ℃左右;相对湿度误差在中低层小于20%,高层误差较大;850 hPa 以上风向误差较小,不超过20°,风速误差小于2 m·s-1。


    Abstract: In this study LAPS is used to assimilate data observed during flood seasons from 2008 to 2010 to establish mesoscale analysisfields, respectively for the following regions: south China and Central China. Several test schemes are designed to evaluate the role of variousobservation data in LAPS. Using radiosonde observations as objective criterion, LAPS analysis data are compared with FNL reanalysis data,and root mean square errors(RMSE)are calculated to quantitatively assess the quality of LAPS mesoscale analysis fields when assimilatingall the observations. The results are shown as follows. The RMSEs with assimilating radar, radiosonde and surface observations in LAPS arethe smallest. By assimilating radar and radiosonde observations in LAPS, it has a positive impact on improving wind and temperature analysis,and the RMSEs of relative humidity at 500 hPa decrease. Temperature and relative humidity in the low levels are also improved by assimilatingsurface observations in LAPS, although it has no impact in the middle and high levels. By comparing the RMSEs of each element over thestudy period, the analyses of LAPS temperature, wind direction and wind speed are better improved than that of FNL. Height RMSE is lessthan 10 m in the middle and low levels, and 20 m in the high levels. Temperature RMSE is about 1°C. Relative humidity RMSE is less than20% in the middle and low levels. Wind direction RMSE is less than 20° above 850 hPa. Wind speed RMSE is less than 2 m·s-1.


