支树林, 许爱华, 张娟娟, 周芳, 马中元. 2015: 一次影响江西的致灾性飑线天气成因分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(4): 352-359.
引用本文: 支树林, 许爱华, 张娟娟, 周芳, 马中元. 2015: 一次影响江西的致灾性飑线天气成因分析. 暴雨灾害, 34(4): 352-359.
ZHI Shulin, XU Aihua, ZHANG Juanjuan, ZHOU Fang, Ma Zhongyuan. 2015: Discussion on the generation causes of a disasterous squall line process influencing Jiangxi. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(4): 352-359.
Citation: ZHI Shulin, XU Aihua, ZHANG Juanjuan, ZHOU Fang, Ma Zhongyuan. 2015: Discussion on the generation causes of a disasterous squall line process influencing Jiangxi. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 34(4): 352-359.


Discussion on the generation causes of a disasterous squall line process influencing Jiangxi

  • 摘要: 利用常规探测、加密自动站、多普勒天气雷达和风廓线雷达等资料,分析2012 年4 月10 日发生在江西省中北部地区的一次致灾性飑线天气过程,着重分析该过程形成的有利环境条件及强对流持续加强的原因。结果表明,此次过程由槽前暖平流强迫触发形成,并由飑线和非飑线上的超级单体风暴共同影响;强垂直风切变的存在、适宜的0/-20 ℃高度和“上干下湿”的结构配置是形成地面降雹和雷雨大风的有利环境条件。地面中尺度辐合线和中尺度温度锋区在江西中北部地区的长时间维持,也是飑线及非飑线上的超级单体风暴在江西境内持续加强的有利条件之一。强对流回波形成于地面温度梯度较大处,且位于风场辐合附近。


    Abstract: By analyzing conventional sounding diagram simultaneously with data of regional AWS, Doppler radar and wind profile, researches have been done on the analysis of evolution characteristics, especially discussing the causes of theformation process, favorable environmental conditions and the strong convection continuing to strengthen the squall lines occurred on April 10, 2012 in Jiangxi province. Result shows that this convection process was forced and triggered by the warm advection in front of trough, and the severe squall lines and other supercell storms led to that disastrous event. The good conditions that led to the convective weather with hail and wind gust on the ground include strong vertical wind shear, the existence of suitable 0/-20 ℃ height and conditions as dryer on higher layer and wetter on lower layer. The advantage of long-time existence of surface mesoscale convergence and temperature front in the middle and north region of Jiangxi province promoted the continued enhancement of squall line and other supercell storms. The convection echoes formed in the regions of more obvious temperature gradient, and also near the regions of wind convergence.


